"Touch a Life" is the motto for the United Way Campaign, and this year, Yale employees have more options for "touching a life" through the campaign than ever before. You can donate your gift to the United Way's general fund to support a broad network of services provided by member agencies; designate a specific United Way or Combined Health Appeal agency or another nonprofit health or social service agency in the state of Connecticut to receive your gift; or you can focus on a particular need by supporting one or more of six community goals: Nurturing Our Children, Promoting Positive Youth Development, Promoting Independence for People, Strengthening Families, Meeting Basic Needs or Protecting Our Health. All of the information you need to participate in this year's campaign is included in a packet of information that has been sent to you via campus mail. This includes a pledge form and Yale Employees United Way Campaign brochure, which lists the many agencies to which you can designate your gift. Please return the front white copy of the pledge form; you may keep the yellow copy for your records. The Yale Employees United Way Campaign ends on Friday, Nov. 1. The goal of the Yale community is to raise $400,000. "Touch a Life" -- or many lives -- by returning your pledge form today.