A day-long series of events planned especially for classical guitarists, teachers of the instrument and aficionados is being sponsored by the School of Music on Saturday, Nov. 15. Titled "Yale Guitar Extravaganza II," the event includes concerts, a panel discussion, master classes, exhibits and a lecture. It has been planned under the direction of Benjamin Verdery, adjunct assistant professor of guitar at the School of Music.
Highlighting the event will be a concert at 5 p.m. by award-winning guitarists David Leisner and Stephen Robinson, and a performance at 8 p.m. by virtuosos Frederic Hand and Raphaëlla Smits.Both concerts will take place in Morse Recital Hall in Sprague Memorial Hall, 470 College St. (See Calendar, page 5 for the concert programs.) Tickets for each concert are $10; $5 for students.
Other events in the Yale Guitar Extravaganza II will include a panel discussion on "Guitar Pedagogy in Europe and North America"; master classes led by Mr. Hand and by organ virtuoso, harpsichordist and Baroque scholar Anthony Newman; a lecture by luthier John Gilbert on "Guitar Construction and Intonation"; a demonstration by dancer Bhala Jone; a concert of new music for guitar; and a performance showcasing the skills of students from a New York high school and the Lake Braddock Guitar Ensemble from Virginia.
Two exhibits are also on display in conjunction with the event. Guitars, lutes and other related instruments will be on view at the Yale Collection of Musical Instruments 1:30-3:30 p.m. in an exhibit titled "The Tradition of the Spanish Guitar."
An exhibit at the John Herrick Jackson Music Library, located on Wall St. behind Sprague Hall, will feature manuscripts and rare printed editions of guitar music, with particular emphasis on materials acquired within the past two years. These include the first published edition of a sonata by Fernando Sor and a manuscript volume of French arias with guitar accompaniment originating at the court of King Louis XV.
"Yale Guitar Extravaganza II" will begin at 9 a.m. with registration, coffee and vendor exhibits. The fee for the day-long event is $35; $25 for students and members of the Connecticut Classical Guitar Society. For a complete schedule of events or for further information, call 432-4158.
The guitar extravaganza is sponsored by the D'Addario Foundation with assistance from the Connecticut Classical Guitar Society.