This summer, Project X completed a series of In-depth Briefings and planning workshops for business managers and key staff throughout the University.
The In-depth Briefings, which were divided into two segments, covered changes to Yale's Chart of Accounts, as well as the new financial planning and reporting tools. The implementation planning workshops focused on changes that will be necessary in gearing up for the implementation of the new budget development process this November as well as the new financial and human resources systems and procedures that will go into effect next July 1.
Part One of the In-depth Briefing series was conducted by Jack Beecher of the School of Medicine, who is a member of the General Accounting Team of Project X. This session was devoted to the new Chart of Accounts and its transition from fund to project orientation. Participants were given an overview of the new financial reporting structure of the University, including the new general ledger. They also received a copy of the Future Organization Worksheet Kit to assist in planning the conversion of current charging instructions to the upcoming structure.
Part Two of the In-depth Briefing series was led by three members of the Financial Planning and Management committee: Gary Sax of the Finance Office, Nancy Johnson of the School of Medicine and Walter Mullen of the School of Management. They gave a high- level summary of the new budget planning and reporting tools (based on Oracle's Financial Analyzer product) and discussed key principles of the new budget process. Videotapes of these briefings are available from Project X; for information, consult the project's World Wide Web page at
The Implementation Planning Workshops walked participants through the upcoming changes and training plans. Laura Freebairn- Smith of Good Work Associates and Matthew McCreight and Suzanne Francis of Robert H. Schaffer & Associates conducted the workshop sessions, which focused on implementation planning and change management. The sessions gave individuals an opportunity to get their final questions answered and to compare notes with other managers from similar departments.
Drop-in Clinics. In addition to the briefings and workshops, several other training plans are underway. Drop-in Clinics are being offered for those departments that are still working on the Future Organization Worksheets; these workshops are held on Fridays 9 -11a.m. in Rm. 212 of the School of Medicine's Jane Ellen Hope Building, 315 Cedar St.; and Fridays 1 -3 p.m. at the Project X Office, 1 Century Tower (corner of Church and Grove streets). Questions may also be directed to Jack Beecher ( or to Maggie McDonnell ( And, starting in late September, training in the Oracle Financial Analyzer will begin for those offices that will be using it to prepare their fiscal year 1998-99 budget. Also, starting in December, an even broader series of briefing, planning training sessions will be conducted in preparation for the July 1 implementation.