Yale Bulletin and Calendar
News Stories

September 22 - September 29, 1997
Volume 26, Number 5
News Stories


The staff members of the Yale Bulletin & Calendar offer our most sincere apologies to Judith Resnik for misspelling her name in the story in the Sept. 15-22 issue announcing her appointment as the Arthur Liman Professor of Law.

Professor Resnik is the first incumbent of the new Law School chair, which was established by friends of Arthur Liman, a 1957 graduate of the school whose career in public and private law included serving as the Senate counsel to the Iran-Contra Committee.

Formerly the Orrin B. Evans Professor of Law at the University of Southern California, Professor Resnik both teaches and writes about legal procedure, the federal courts, federalism, large-scale litigation and feminist theory. She is a consultant to RAND's Institute for Civil Justice and previously served as a member of the Ninth Circuit Gender Bias Task Force, the first in the country to consider the effects of gender on federal courts.

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