Yale Bulletin and Calendar
News Stories

September 22 - September 29, 1997
Volume 26, Number 5
News Stories

Yale Hillel offers services during High Holy Days

During High Holy Days, Yale Hillel will offer a full schedule of services on and near the Yale campus. These include Conservative/Egalitarian and Reform services, and services for children.

Conservative services will be led by Rabbi James E. Ponet, Jewish chaplain at Yale, and held at Battell Chapel, located at the intersection of Elm and College streets. Reform services will be led by Cantor Naomi Hirsch, acting assistant director of Yale Hillel, and held at First and Summerfield United Methodist Church, also at Elm and College streets.

Services for children in grades K-3 will take placce at the Joseph Slifka Center, 80 Wall St., while children in grades 4-7 can attend services at First and Summerfield Church. Both services will be led by teachers from the Hillel Children's School at Yale.

Services are free for all undergraduate and graduate students at Yale and other New Haven-area colleges who have a current university I.D. Members of the New Haven community are asked to reserve tickets and make an accompanying donation. Tickets from other area synagogues will be honored at Yale Hillel for those interested in attending only selected portions of the Yale services.

An Apples and Honey Kiddush will follow services on the first night of Rosh Hashanah, Wednesday, Oct. 1. It is open to participants of all the services at no charge. Following Yom Kippur services on Saturday, Oct. 11, Yale Hillel will sponsor a light dairy meal to break the fast. This meal is free to contract holders. All others are welcome to the break fast, with advance reservations ($10 per person). Both the Kiddush and the break fast will be held at the Joseph Slifka Center.

For more information, including specific times of services and other events, or to make reservations, call 432-9419.

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