Space enthusiasts of all ages can "talk" with university scientists who played a major role in the success of the current Mars Pathfinder mission, as well as astronauts involved in human spaceflight research, during an on-line chat on "Mars Exploration" hosted by The Science Coalition. The event, to be held Tuesday, Oct. 7, 9-11 p.m., officially launches The Science Coalition's new World Wide Web site at
The Science Coalition is an alliance of 413 organizations, including Yale and other major universities, devoted to sustaining the federal government's historic commitment to university-based science research. The two-hour chat marks the first of several planned interactive on-line forums for experts and enthusiasts to talk about major scientific advances supported by university-based research. Yale scientists are expected to participate in future on-line forums.
During the first forum, two distinguished university scientists -- Thanasis (Tom) Economou of the University of Chicago's Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space Research, and Peter H. Smith of the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory -- will discuss the scientific instruments designed for the current NASA Pathfinder mission by their university research teams. They will be joined by NASA astronaut candidate Peggy A. Whitson, who will answer questions about the future potential for human spaceflights to Mars 9-10 p.m.
Those interested can join the Mars Exploration chat in the Science Cafe of the coalition's web site.