A quick stroll around campus walkways is all it takes to discover that Yale is a place where much is happening. On kiosks placed at virtually every spot on campus where pedestrian traffic is heavy, are posters and signs designed to grab the attention of p assersby, and which advertise lectures, drama and musical performances, meetings and other events. To give all members of the campus community the opportunity to "get the word out" about their events, the University has established a number of guidelines, which are summarized below.
* Notices and advertisements must be placed only on kiosks and bulletin boards (not on gates, lamp posts, sidewalks, etc.) using only tacks and pushpins. They can be no larger than 8.5" x 11" and must not cover other notices. They should be posted n o more than one week ahead of the date of the event.
* During the school year, event notices should be placed only on linear kiosks (during the summer months all notices can be placed on linear kiosks). Linear kiosks are at the following locations:
On Old Campus: the High Street gate, Phelps Gate and between Durfee and Lanman-Wright Halls
On Cross Campus: at Porter Gate, on Rose Walk and at the College Street entrance to William L. Harkness Hall (WLH)
On the walkway between Mory's and Toad's Place on York Street
On Library Walk between Jonathan Edwards and Branford Colleges (near York Street)
Event notices may also be placed on round kiosks, which were constructed in cooperation with the City of New Haven, and on triangular kiosks. These are located in front of Yale Station, corner of Elm and High streets; in front of Mory's and Toad's P lace on York Street; in front of Urban Hall on Prospect Street; and in front of Dunham Laboratory, 10 Hillhouse Ave. Notices can also be placed on bulletin boards in the residential colleges (check with master's office for guidelines specific to each coll ege), on the events boards in WLH, and on the events board at Yale Station.
Patrol and removal program initiated
All notices that are posted illegally will be removed. A patrol and removal program has been initiated to remove any notices posted in violation of the guidelines, notes Kemel Dawkins, associate vice president for facilities.
The Yale administration and the Yale College Council (YCC) have worked to improve opportunities for advertising events while reducing the cost and damage which advertising has caused in the past, notes C.J. May, the University's recycling coordinato r. "By eliminating wasteful and destructive advertising efforts, organizations will not only reduce the waste of paper and of their funds but also the University's expense ($30,000 for Commencement alone) of removing staples and tape and repainting lamp p osts and gates," he says.
Additional kiosks are just one of the measures that the University has undertaken in recent years to help promote the cleanliness of the campus, according to Dawkins. "It has initiated a new trash program, increased recycling and purchased dozens of new trash and smoking containers," he explains. The cooperation of all members of the Yale community in complying with postering and recycling guidelines, he adds, will help "sustain the environment our beautiful buildings deserve."
Other venues for publicizing events
In addition to kiosks, there are several other ways that campus affiliates can publicize their events. These include:
* the E-Bulletin, a list of on-campus events available via the World Wide Web and email, which was established by the YCC. The web page address is http://www.yale.edu/ycc. Members of the Yale community can receive the E-Bulletin automatically each w eek through a subscription. Pantheon users can subscribe using the command "~ycc/subscribe." Others can subscribe by sending email to the YCC at ycc@pantheon. Use the same address for further information on how to post announcements in the E-Bulletin.
* Members of Yale organizations may place table tents (colored or white paper) and fliers on tables in the dining halls. Fliers and table tents are recycled weekly.
* Campus publications, including the following:
Yale Bulletin & Calendar (YB&C). Calendar forms and publication schedules/deadlines for the YB&C are available at the office, 433 Temple St., or can be faxed on request by calling 432-1333. The deadline for Calendar forms/news stories is 10 da ys in advance of the week in which an event occurs.
Yale Daily News. To submit an event announcement for the bulletin board or to purchase advertising space, send email to ydn.business@yale.edu or call 432-2424.
Yale Herald. To place event information in the calendar or purchase advertising space, call 432-7494.
For further information about posting on campus, contact the Yale Recycling Department at 432-6852.
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