Yale Bulletin
and Calendar


Yale-Korea exchange program

English language and more. This summer, in the first partnership of its kind, Yale and Seoul National University (SNU) collaborated to bring a group of 20 students to the campus to attend a six-week intensive program offered by Yale's English Language Institute June 28-Aug. 6.

These 20 students, all at an advanced level of language proficiency, were in class approximately 23 hours a week and found themselves immersed in readings ranging from "The Great Gatsby" to Yale lecturer Fred Strebeigh's essay on bicycles in China. They wrote essays on topics as diverse as vegetarianism and violence in films and music, and participated in an array of elective courses such as poetry writing and video production workshops and a course on recent global crises and armed conflicts.

Several in the group who study law at SNU met with Law School Dean Harold Koh. Students lived on campus in Saybrook College, sharing in the experience of residential life guided by their summer counselors and Summer Master Steve Lassonde. They were introduced to American culture with trips to the Thimble Islands in nearby Stony Creek; Great Adventure in Boston; and New York City. During the latter trip, they visited the United Nations, where they met with mission representatives from their own country and those of the more than 30 other countries represented by students in the English Language Institute.


Yale Summer Programs

Center for International & Area Studies

Yale-Korea exchange program

Epidemiology & Public Health

Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

Law School

Yale-China University Leadership Program

Center for the Study of Globalization

School of Nursing

School of Architecture

School of Management

Forestry & Environmental Studies

Yale-China Association

School of Medicine

Divinity School

President's trip to China

School of Art

Yale Library

Bulldogs in the Punjab

Yale College Summer Traveling Fellowships

International Education & Fellowship Programs


Association of Yale Alumni


Office of International Students & Scholars

Yale Bulletin & Calendar