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The fifteenth Blair Dickinson Memorial Prize will be awarded by the School of Art at this year's commencement ceremonies to an undergraduate or graduate woman who has pursued courses in the Þeld of studio art at Yale, including drawing, Þlmmaking, graphic design, painting, photography, printmaking or sculpture. The prize, which carries an award of $8,500, is open to both majors and nonmajors.
The prize seeks to encourage the woman who "demonstrates a developing consciousness, a personal vision, and a spirit of search, regardless of whether she has evolved a concrete realization of that vision; a woman who shows promise of fulÞlling Blair Dickinson's (Yale '74) concept of an artist as suggested by the following passage from her journal: 'Ability to Þnd spiritually rich occurrences in the world. Observer. Critic. Isolator. One who points to a moment and reveals its importance. Ability to cross over between areas of thought and to ascend and descend.'"
Applicants must submit a one-page statement of not more than 500 words describing their goals, their work, and the ideas it represents; and not more than ten slides of their work. The slides should relate to the statement, as the statement will be read aloud while they are shown. In addition, videocassettes, CD-ROMs and þoppy disks may also be submitted. Applications are due by April 30 and should be submitted to the chairperson, Blair Dickinson Memorial Prize Committee, Yale University School of Art, Rm. 303, 180 York St.
The Nurturing Parenting Program, a support group for parents and their children who reside in New Haven and receive care at Yale-New Haven Hospital, is seeking co-facilitator volunteers.
Sponsored by the pediatrics department, this new group seeks to enhance family life in a variety of ways such as helping individuals to handle their feelings, communicate their needs, interact, handle stress and anger, and gain a sense of personal power and self-esteem. For more information, call Jennifer Sawyer Karnoff at 688-8461.
The department of Spanish and Portuguese has announced the Bildner Prizes in Latin American languages and literature for Yale undergraduates. Four prizes of $400 and one travel prize of $900 will be awarded. The deadline for submitting applications is April 16.
The first prize is in honor of professor José Arrom (Yale '37) and will be awarded for an outstanding essay written in acceptable Spanish; it will be judged mainly for the originality and importance of the ideas presented therein. All undergraduates studying Spanish at Yale are eligible.
The second prize, in memory of Patricia Bildner, will be awarded for an outstanding essay written in acceptable Portuguese on a topic in Brazilian literature, and will be judged mainly for the originality and importance of the ideas presented therein. All undergraduates studying Portuguese at Yale are eligible.
The third prize will be awarded to a graduating senior who achieves a high academic average in Spanish courses and demonstrates the greatest improvement in his or her knowledge of the Spanish language and Hispanic literature since the beginning of his or her study of the language at Yale.
The Brazil prize will be awarded to the graduating senior who achieves a high academic average in Portuguese courses and demonstrates the greatest improvement in his or her knowledge of the Portuguese language and Luso-Brazilian literature since the beginning of his or her study of the language at Yale.
The Albert Bildner Travel prize will be awarded to a Yale College student who is in her or her junior year. It is intended for research in the field during the summer between the junior and seniors years. Students who are doing research on Latin America for their senior essays are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to Latin American Studies majors.
For more information, contact professor Cristina Moreiras Menor at 432-7554, professor Lidia Santos at 432-1157 or Ginny Gutierrez at 432-5439.
Applications for the A. Whitney Griswold Faculty Research Fund Grants are now available. Grants are made in support of projected research of full-time faculty members on continuing appointment in any department or division of the university. Funds of up to $2,500 per academic year may be sought for purposes such as travel to inspect primary-source materials; acquisition of inaccessible books or microÞlms (with the understanding that such materials will ultimately be transferred to the University library system); or assistance with research, indexing, and manuscript preparation. The award is not intended for reimbursement of expenses already incurred.
Faculty members requesting amounts over $1,000 should also apply to other sources of support for the project. For sources within the university, department chairs should be consulted; for sources outside the university, the OfÞce of Grants and Contracts should be consulted.
The deadline for applications, with supporting materials, is April 15. Application forms may be picked up in Rm. 101 at the Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall St., or can be requested by calling 432-0670.
Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven, the local chapter of the international nonproÞt organization that works to eradicate poverty housing, is sponsoring a bicycle and walking tour through New Haven on Saturday, May 1. Money raised from the tour will help fund the construction of Habitat homes in the area. Yale and other community organizations are supporting the event.
Participants in the bike tour will pedal a 3-, 10-, 20- or 40-mile route along the shoreline and on rural roads, starting at Old Grove Park in West Haven. All registered participants will receive a free T-shirt. For further information, call 785-0794.
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