Graduate students cited for excellence in teaching To acknowledge the importance of graduate student teaching at Yale, the University annually presents Prize Teaching Fellowships to outstanding doctoral candidates who were part-time teachers or teaching fellows at Yale College during the academic year. This year, 14 individuals will receive a Prize Teaching Fellowship, which carries a cash award of $1,000 and a waiver of tuition (if any is due) for the following year. The Prize Teaching Fellowship program grew out of a "four-year experiment" proposed in 1980 by the Committee on Teaching and Learning to "honor faculty demonstrating unique excellence in undergraduate teaching (be it laboratory, seminar or lecture course)." The first fellowships were awarded in 1981, and the program has continued to expand and diversify over the years. Undergraduates and faculty nominate candidates for the awards, which are presented jointly by the Dean's Offices in Yale College and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Winners are chosen by a committee composed of directors of undergraduate and graduate studies in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, as well as the director of the Teaching Fellow Program and an associate dean of Yale College. Each September, the Prize Teaching Fellows are honored at a dinner hosted by the deans of the Graduate School and Yale College. This year's honorees and their departments are: Kelly Sorenson, philosophy; Eileen Hunt, political science; Clyde Ragland, philosophy; Wendie Schneider, history; John Monroe, history; Geoffrey Kabaservice, history; Randy Kidd, history of medicine; Rabab Abdulhadi, sociology; Baird Jarman, history of art; Nikolai Firtich, Slavic languages and literature; Andrew Lewis, American studiess; Henry Butler, comparative literature; Moira Fradinger, comparative literature; and Edward Lintz, comparative literature.
Recipients of Prize Teaching Fellows also have the opportunity to design and teach an independent course within their department. If they receive their department's endorsement for the latter, the fellows are then eligible to apply for a Course Design Award of $1,000, which is also disbursed by the Graduate School's Teaching Fellow Program.
Commencement, 1999 Style
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