Project X Update Online tools to ease transition Project X now has a number of online tools designed to help ease the transition from the old (UFMIS) to the new (Oracle) administrative systems. The resources include: "Big Picture" Website: The project's new "Big Picture" website (www.yale.edu/oboe/bigpic) includes a comprehensive overview of all the major applications that will undergo changes under Project X. The Big Picture -- which is also accessible via the home pages for Project X (www.yale.edu/pjx/) or the Online Business Office Environment (www.yale.edu/oboe) -- offers information about upcoming changes in Human Resources/Payroll; General Accounting; Financial Planning and Management; and Procurement. The site lists 24 distributed activities that are typically performed in business offices -- from submitting check requests or expense reports to accounting transfers and cash receipts. Users may select an application, such as "Labor Distribution," and obtain information regarding key features, anticipated changes in business processes and "New Things to Learn," including a look at online screen shots, previews of the new forms and procedures, and workflow diagrams. A special feature is the "Lookups & References" link, which takes users to a number of other tools. "PTAEO Peeler (Version 1.2)": One major change under Project X will be the switch from a 15-digit code for reporting expenses to a 33-digit code that records information on Project, Task, Award, Expenditure Type and Organization (thus, the designation PTAEO -- pronounced "potato"). The PTAEO peeler (version 1.2) is a live tool that allows users to look up their new PTAEO, Chart of Account (COA) and Expenditure Type codes. The Peeler is linked to the actual conversion table, which stores all 65,000 rows of converted values. To get to the PTAEO Peeler, go to the Big Picture website and click on the "Lookups & References" link at the bottom. From there click on the link for the PTAEO Peeler. Other lookup options associated with the PTAEO Peeler include: a GL to Oracle conversion chart (which displays new Object Code and Expenditure Type as related to the existing GL numbers), and Object Code and Source Hierarchy lookups. For more information, refer to the following website: http://websrv1.its.yale.edu/oboe/bigpic/lookup.html. Organizational Hierarchy Viewer: Another new lookup tool is the recently installed Organizational Hierarchy Viewer, which accesses an up-to-date version of the University's Fiscal Oversight Hierarchy. Available at: http://edserv01.its.yale.edu/orghier/ohfront7.htm (and also accessible via Lookups & References off the Big Picture site), this version of the Org Viewer includes a number of enhancements, including options to "Convert to Excel Spreadsheet" and "Locate an Organizational Entity" directly. Training & Access: The Project X new web-enabled training information and sign-up form, known as XTrain, will soon be activated. This interactive site lets users log on and view course information, including course description, format, class duration and recommended attendees. A "Register" button takes users to a log-in screen that walks them through the sign-up process. [Note: Within the School of Medicine, initial registration for Project X courses will be completed by departmental training & access coordinators. School of Medicine personnel should NOT "self-enroll" for training at this time.] You can get to XTrain directly (www.yale.edu/xtrain) or via the Project X or Big Picture home pages. A matrix displaying the current course list is available at: http://websrv1.its.yale.edu/oboe/bigpic/training_courses.html. New Home Page Design: The Project X home page sports a new user-friendly design, features quick and easy access to the team pages, phone directories, a glossary page, a faculty information page, and a library of current and archived documents. A separate "What's New with the Project" page takes users to the most current Project X-related news items. The Project X home page also features links to The Big Picture, the Online Business Office Environment, Lookups & References, the official Policies and Procedures website, XTrain and a feedback page for sending comments/suggestions to Project X. Another enhancement is the Application and Network Status Bulletins window, which now displays an up-to-the-minute report on planned upgrades that may affect system performance. User Support Services: Project X has also developed an extensive network of support services that will continue to assist users throughout implementation and afterward. These include: * Online Business Office Environment (OBOE), the project's web-based learning program, is designed to supplement the classroom and auditorium training provided through Project X. OBOE provides instant access to University policies and procedures, learning modules with tips and examples for each new business process, user manuals, video tapes and other documentation from the various presentations, and help for a variety of problems. * Frequently Asked Questions (http://websrv1.its.yale.edu/oboe/forums.html). This site lists questions and answers from the various training sessions. Recent enhancements include a cross-indexing feature that makes it even easier to find information on a specific subject. * User Bulletin Board for posting questions or comments (http://websrv.its.yale.edu/oboe/discus/). Users can identify themselves or post information anonymously. This is a chance to offer feedback on what's working, what can be improved, and what else individuals would like to see made available. * Central Campus Help Desk 432-9000 (www.yale.edu/helpdesk/). A number of trained staff are available to answer questions and/or direct calls to the appropriate individual for assistance. * Med School Help Desk 785-3200 (http://info.med.yale.edu/computing/helpdesk/). The place that School of Medicine personnel can contact with any system- or training-related issues, from system outages to help in performing a particular function. * Field visits -- as needed, technical resources will be available for resolving desktop and/or printer problems within the department. The leaders of Project X want to assure members of the Yale community that everything possible is being done to ensure the smoothest possible transition to the new systems. And, they say, if problems or difficulties do arise, a mechanism will be in place to deal with them.
-- By Donna Pintek
Commencement, 1999 Style
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