Solnit will explore the 'Bioethics of Children's Rights'
Dr. Albert J. Solnit, Sterling Professor Emeritus of the Child Study Center, will discuss "Bioethics of Children's Rights" at two events on Wednesday, Feb. 21.
Solnit will first participate in a Bioethics and Public Policy Seminar at noon at the Institution for Social and Policy Studies, 77 Prospect St. He will then speak at a Forum on Bioethical Issues in Society at 7:30 p.m. in the Joseph Slifka Center, 80 Wall St. Lunch will be provided at the noon meeting and a reception will follow the evening lecture. Both events are free and open to the public. For more information or luncheon reservations, contact Carol Pollard at (203) 432-6188 or carol.pollard@yale.edu.
Solnit is managing editor of "The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child," an annual volume published by the Yale University Press. He has authored or co-authored numerous books, chapters, articles and other publications. These include the books "Beyond the Best Interests of the Child," "Before the Best Interests of the Child," "In the Best Interests of the Child," "The Best Interests of the Child: Least Detrimental Alternative," "The Many Meanings of Play," "When Home is No Haven" and "Divorce and Your Child."
Solnit is coordinator of The Muriel Gardiner Program in Psychoanalysis and the Humanities at Yale and serves as trustee for The Anna Freud Centre in London and The New-Land Foundation in New York. He received the first Irving Philips Award of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in 1993 and the William C. Menninger Award for distinguished contributions to the science of mental health in 1979. An endowed chair was established in his name at the Yale Child Study Center.
Solnit recently retired as commissioner of the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services for the State of Connecticut, and currently chairs the Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on Mental Health. Governor John G. Rowland created the commission to study the issue of mental illness and to recommend how Connecticut can improve prevention efforts and treatment services.
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