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Commencement Information
Yale University will hold its 300th Commencement ceremony Monday, May 21, at 10:30 a.m. on the Old Campus.
The following is presented for the general information of the Yale community. For more details, visit the Commencement website at www.yale.edu/commencement or call the Commencement Office at (203) 432-2317.
Baccalaureate services are scheduled for 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Sunday, May 20, in Woolsey Hall, corner of College and Grove streets. President Richard C. Levin will speak at both services, and the programs will be identical.
Seniors and their guests from the following residential colleges should attend the 9:30 a.m. service: Calhoun, Timothy Dwight, Morse, Pierson, Saybrook and Ezra Stiles. Seniors and their guests from the following colleges should attend the 11 a.m. service: Berkeley, Branford, Davenport, Jonathan Edwards, Silliman and Trumbull. Graduate students and their guests, as well as other members of the Yale community, may attend either service. No tickets are required.
On Commencement morning, undergraduates assemble in their college courtyards and, under the direction of faculty marshals, march to Cross Campus to form a line of procession. Degree candidates from the professional schools will assemble on Cross Campus. Graduate School degree candidates will assemble in the Hall of Graduate Studies courtyard. From there they will march to Cross Campus and, joining the candidates from the professional schools, process to Old Campus.
Parents and guests should be seated on Old Campus no later than 10:15 a.m. There is no reserved seating, and tickets are not required. The ceremony will be held rain or shine, beginning at 10:30 a.m.
During Commencement, symbolic diplomas are presented to student marshals representing degree candidates from Yale College and the graduate and professional schools. After the Old Campus ceremony, undergraduates follow faculty marshals back to their residential colleges, where individual diplomas are awarded. Buffet luncheons in the residential college dining halls follow the diploma ceremonies. Saybrook College will hold its diploma ceremonies on Old Campus. In case of rain, ceremonies will be held in the United Church on the Green.
In addition to Saybrook College, the following colleges have designated alternative locations for their degree ceremonies in case of rain: Berkeley -- Center Church on the Green; Calhoun -- First & Summerfield Methodist Church, 424 College St.; Morse -- Trinity Church on the Green; and Trumbull -- Battell Chapel, corner of Elm and College streets.
Davenport, Timothy Dwight, Jonathan Edwards, Pierson, Silliman and Ezra Stiles colleges will hold ceremonies on their grounds, rain or shine.
Information about post-Commencement ceremonies for graduate and professional students is listed below.
There are two faculty sections at ground level in front of the Commencement platform; no seats in this section are reserved. All who plan to sit there are requested to be in academic dress.
School of Architecture. Following the Commencement ceremony on Old Campus, graduates led by faculty marshals, a banner bearer and student marshals of the School of Architecture will process to the fourth floor of the Art & Architecture Building, 180 York St., for a diploma ceremony. A luncheon for graduates and guests will follow at
School of Art. The school will hold a degree ceremony in Weir Courtyard (the sculpture garden of the Yale University Art Gallery), 66 High St., at noon. Following the ceremony, a reception for graduates, their families and members of the School of Art will take place at 1 p.m. in the Yale Art Gallery sculpture hall. The reception is free of charge but by special invitation only. In the event of inclement weather, diploma ceremonies will be held in the Art Gallery lecture hall.
Divinity School. On May 20 at 4 p.m., there will be a Commencement Service on the east side of the Sterling Divinity Quadrangle, 409 Prospect St. Nicholas Wolterstorff, the Noah Porter Professor of Philosophical Theology, will preach; a reception will follow in the Lower Quadrangle. In the event of rain, the Commencement Service will be held in Marquand Chapel and the reception in the common room. On May 21, there will be a degree ceremony on the Sterling Quadrangle at 12:30 p.m. Acting Dean Harry Baker Adams will deliver a Charge to the Graduates. A buffet luncheon will follow in the Lower Quadrangle. In the event of rain, M.A.R. and S.T.M. degrees will be awarded at 12:30 p.m. in Marquand Chapel; M.Div. degrees will be awarded at 1:30 p.m. Tickets are not required. For shuttle information from Old Campus to the Divinity School, call Janet Waggoneer at (203) 782-0451 or Tony Hinds at (203) 772-1084.
School of Drama. A degree ceremony and the awarding of prizes will take place at University Theatre, 222 York St. A luncheon for graduates and guests will follow in the New Theater of Holcombe T. Green Jr. Hall, 1156 Chapel St.
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. A graduation ceremony will take place at 2:30 p.m. in Battell Chapel, corner of Elm and College streets. Speaking will be Dr. David Satcher, U.S. surgeon general and assistant secretary for health. The event is open to all, and no tickets are necessary. A commencement luncheon at the Graduate Club, 155 Elm St., will precede the degree ceremony at 12:30 p.m. Tickets are required and can be obtained by calling (203) 785-6260. All degree candidates will be provided with three complimentary tickets. Additional tickets may be purchased in advance only for $16.
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. A diploma ceremony and the awarding of faculty prizes will take place under a tent on the lawn at Marsh Hall, 360 Prospect St. The class speaker will be environmentalist Paul Hawken, cofounder of Smith & Hawken and best-selling author. A reception will follow.
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. On May 20, there will be a convocation at 1 p.m. in the Hall of Graduate Studies (HGS) courtyard, 320 York St. (academic dress is not required), with speakers Garry Wills '61 Ph.D., a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, and Dean Susan Hockfield. The event also will include the awarding of prizes to graduate students and of Wilbur Cross Medals to distinguished alumni. A reception will follow in the McDougal Center common room. On May 21, the presentation of master's and doctoral degrees will take place in Woolsey Hall. (M.A. recipients in international and area studies, and international and development economics should attend the degree ceremony in Luce Hall, 34 Hillhouse Ave.) Tickets are not required. Professional photographs will be taken of each student receiving their diploma; degree candidates will be mailed information about purchasing photos. A reception will follow in the HGS courtyard, and a luncheon will take place in the HGS dining hall.
Law School. Commencement exercises will be held in the courtyard of the Sterling Law Buildings, 127 Wall St. The faculty speaker, chosen by members of the graduating class, will be William Eskridge '78 LAW, the John A. Garver Professor of Jurisprudence. In case of rain, the ceremony will take place in Lanman Center in Payne Whitney Gymnasium, 70 Tower Pkwy. A champagne reception will follow. Later that evening, there will be a buffet dinner in the Law School dining hall. Tickets for the dinner are $16; students may use their unused meal plan balances to pay for their guests.
School of Management. A diploma ceremony will be held in Caulkins Courtyard, 135 Prospect St. Thomas Krens '84 SOM, director of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, will give the commencement address. A luncheon will follow in Donaldson Commons, 15 Mansfield St. Students will receive one complimentary luncheon ticket. To purchase additional tickets, contact Judy Ratte at (203) 432-6012. In case of rain, all events will be held in Ingalls Rink, 73 Sachem St. For information about shuttle service from Old Campus, call (203) 432-6006 or email melinda.demaio@yale.edu.
School of Medicine. A degree ceremony will be held at 12:30 p.m. in the courtyard of Edward S. Harkness Hall, 367 Cedar St. Dr. Ruth Katz, associate dean of administration and assistant professor of internal medicine, will present the commencement address. A reception will follow in Harkness Hall at approximately 1:45 p.m. Students will receive eight complimentary tickets (one for the degree candidate plus seven for guests) for the diploma ceremony and reception. In the event of heavy rain, the degree ceremony will take place in Harkness Auditorium, 333 Cedar St. For more information, call (203) 785-2644.
School of Music. A free Commencement concert will take place May 20 at 4 p.m. in Morse Recital Hall in Sprague Memorial Hall, 470 College St. On May 21, a degree ceremony will be held in Morse Recital Hall. A reception will follow for graduates and their families, and School of Music faculty and staff at the Center Church Parish House, 311 Temple St. Tickets are not required.
School of Nursing. A degree ceremony will be held at the Shubert Theater, 247 College St. The commencement address will be presented by Deborah H. Ward '77 M.S.N., associate professor of the School of Nursing, University of Washington. A reception will follow. There is no charge for the ceremony; the reception is $5 per person. For ticket information, call (203) 785-2389.
Yale Center for International and Area Studies. A degree ceremony for students who are Master of Arts degree candidates in African studies, East Asian studies, international and development economics, international relations, and Russian and European studies will be held at Luce Hall, 34 Hillhouse Ave. Professional photographs will be taken of each student receiving their diploma; degree candidates will be mailed information about purchasing photos. A complimentary luncheon and reception will follow.
Graduate Weekend Schedule of Events
Saturday, May 19
4-6 p.m. President Richard C. and Jane Levin's reception for members of the Yale College senior class and their guests, 43 Hillhouse Ave. Rain location: University Commons, Woolsey Hall, corner of Grove and College streets.
8 p.m. Concert by the Yale Glee Club in Woolsey Hall. For information, call (203) 432-4136.
8 p.m. The Yale Dramatic Association will present the Commencement Musical "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying." University Theatre, 222 York St. (Earlier performances are at 8 p.m. on Friday, May 18, and 2 p.m. on Saturday.) For ticket information, call (203) 432-1212 or send e-mail to dramat@yale.edu.
9:30 a.m. Baccalaureate services in Woolsey Hall for students from Calhoun, Timothy Dwight, Morse, Pierson, Saybrook and Ezra Stiles residential colleges. Students will be in academic costume and will assemble in their college courtyards at 8:50 a.m.
11 a.m. Baccalaureate services in Woolsey Hall for students from Berkeley, Branford, Davenport, Jonathan Edwards, Silliman and Trumbull residential colleges. Students will be in academic costume and will assemble in their college courtyards at 10:20 a.m.
2 p.m. Class Day ceremonies on Old Campus. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton '73 LAW will be the featured speaker. Tickets are not required. Seniors assemble on Cross Campus at 1:15 p.m. for the march to Old Campus, wearing academic gowns but headgear of choice. In the event of severe weather, Class Day will be held in Woolsey Hall; for more information, call (203) 432-1954.
4 p.m. School of Music's Commencement Concert in Morse Recital Hall in Sprague Memorial Hall, 470 College St. Admission is free. For information, call (203) 432-4158.
4:30 p.m. Masters' receptions in the residential colleges.
4:30 p.m. Service of Remembrance at Battell Chapel, corner of Elm and College streets, sponsored by the University Chaplain's office -- a time for remembering family members and friends who have died. For information, call (203) 432-1131.
7 p.m. The Yale Concert Band will present a "Twilight Concert" on Old Campus, rain or shine. Admission is free.
8 p.m. The Whiffenpoofs and Whim 'n Rhythm will present a concert in Woolsey Hall. For information, call (203) 776-7800 or (203) 668-5187.
8 p.m. The Yale Women's Slavic Chorus will perform in Dwight Chapel, 67 High St. Tickets will be on sale at the door. For information, call (203) 777-6924.
8:30 p.m. Commencement Musical. University Theatre. (See Saturday listing.)
10 p.m.-1 a.m. Commencement Ball, sponsored by the Senior Class Council and the Association of Yale Alumni, in Lanman Center of Payne Whitney Gymnasium, 70 Tower Pkwy. Dress is cocktail or business attire; black tie is optional. For more information, call (203) 432-1953.
9:30 a.m. Yale College seniors assemble in college courtyards in academic regalia.
9:40 a.m. Candidates for graduate and professional degrees assemble on Cross Campus in academic regalia near signs indicating school or degree.
10:30 a.m. Commencement ceremony, Old Campus.
Noon. Presentation of diplomas at residential colleges and professional schools, followed by luncheons or receptions. Graduate School diplomas presented in Woolsey Hall.
Commencement Food Service
Sunday, May 20
Brunch Buffet will be served in Calhoun, Timothy Dwight, Morse, Pierson and Ezra Stiles residential colleges, and in Commons for graduates and guests of Saybrook College, 11 a.m. until finished.
Brunch Buffet will be served in Berkeley, Branford, Davenport, Jonathan Edwards, Silliman and Trumbull residential colleges, 12:30 p.m. until finished.
Dinner Buffet will be served in Commons in an early seating, 5-6:30 p.m., and late seating, 7-8:30 p.m.; reservations required.
Complimentary Continental Breakfast will be served on the lawn of Old Campus and in the common rooms or courtyards of residential colleges, 8-10 a.m.
Commencement Buffet will be served in Commons and in residential colleges, 1:30 p.m. until finished.
All graduating seniors are entitled to complimentary meals. Guest tickets for Sunday's brunch buffets are $13.50 each; children age 12 and under are free. Tickets for Sunday's dinner will not be sold at the door and must be purchased in advance of Commencement Weekend; tickets are $19.75 each and free for children age 12 and under. Tickets for the Commencement Buffet are $15.75 each; children age 12 and under are free. With the exception of Sunday's dinner, tickets may be purchased at the door in cash or by check for the exact amount. For more information, call (203) 432-0400 or (888) 678-9837.
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