Nurses honor Lee
Dr. Forrester A. Lee, associate professor of internal medicine and assistant dean of multicultural affairs at the School of Medicine, received a community service award from the Southern Connecticut Black Nurses Association, Inc. The award was presented at the organization's annual award and scholarship luncheon on April 29 at the Grassy Hill Country Club in Orange.
T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 New center supporting legal reform in China

 Team finds 'surprising ability' in bone marrow cells

 Notable speakers will highlight this year's Commencement

 Manipulating molecules through nanotechnology

 Developing lightweight batteries for field missions

 Summertime at Yale

 Devoted Yale alumnus and benefactor John J. Lee dies

 Noted legal scholar and humanist Charles L. Black Jr. dies

 Commencement Information

 Graduate School to honor outstanding faculty mentors

 Architecture students rise to the task of making a home

 Psychologist Edward Zigler is lauded for lifetime achievements

 Men's golf team to compete in regional championship

 Yale recognized as 'good neighbor'

 New 'Smile Carts' honor Yale nurse practitioner and the memory of alumnus

 Grant to fund F&ES scholarships

 YUWO scholarships to further studies and enhance careers awarded to Yale affiliates

 Commencement Concert to mark closing of Morse Recital Hall for renovations

 Yale senior's essay on life in New Haven wins first Hegel Prize

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