Gabrielle Brainard, Class of 2001, received the Yale Club of New Haven's first-ever Richard Hegel Prize for her senior essay on life in New Haven from 1870 to 1979.
The prize was presented at an awards ceremony on May 14 in the President's Room in Woolsey Hall.
Brainard, a student in Morse College, was selected by a team of faculty judges from among 12 entrants for her essay titled "Party Walls: Understanding Urban Change through a Block of New Haven Row Houses, 1870-1979." Her essay focuses on the Court Street area between Olive and Academy streets in New Haven over 109 years. Linda Koch Lorimer, University secretary and vice president, will present Brainard with the award during the Yale Club's annual meeting.
"It's a wonderful way for the Yale Club to celebrate the bond between New Haven and Yale in its Tercentennial Year," says Melanie Ginter of the Yale Club. "Gabrielle's essay is an ideal way for people to see the changes New Haven has undergone through two centuries. The Yale Club is pleased to honor her with the inaugural prize."
The $500 prize is named after Richard Hegel, Class of 1950 (Engineering), the municipal historian for the City of New Haven, who has arranged to have Brainard's work published in the Journal of the New Haven Colony Historical Society.
"In her writing, 'Party Walls,' Gabrielle Brainard has created a significant part of New Haven historical writing," says Hegel. "She has placed a sociological history of the Court Street area into the physical setting, where the buildings have essentially remained the same, while she traced the human elements within these buildings and the difficulties they went through."
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