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-- Editor of The Yale Review J. D. McClatchy about how he chose writers for the anthology "Bright Pages: Yale Writers, 17012001," "Three Centuries of Writing (Abridged)," New Haven Register, May 20, 2001.
"Getting into early childhood education is not for the faint of heart."
-- Senior research scientist at the Child Study Center Sharon Lynn Kagan, "Community Foundation Focuses on Kids," New Haven Register, May 24, 2001.
"The cultural belief is that we should not pay attention to appearances, that integrity and character are what counts. But we are suckers for small differences in appearance, and take them as indicative of other things."
-- Professor of women's & gender studies Marianne LaFrance, "At Yale, a Discourse on Hair," The New York Times, May 26, 2001.
"In a world in which politics, economics and social issues are so intertwined, America's go-it-alone machismo is sowing the seeds for a backlash from the very countries whose cooperation we will need on a host of global economic issues."
-- Dean of the Yale School of Management Jeffrey E. Garten in his article "What Business Should be Telling the President," BusinessWeek, May 14, 2001.
"Collective bargaining, however appropriate in other settings, cannot help but change a university's relation to its graduate students in ways that compromise the culture and values they share."
-- Dean of the Law School Anthony Kronman in his op-ed article "Are Graduate Students Workers?" The New York Times, May 19, 2001.
"Loving someone is an act of having faith in their potential even when we are unable to help them. It is this love that holds on to the possibility that those who have been in some of the worse pits in life can and do find their way out."
-- University Chaplain The Reverend Frederick J. Streets in his op-ed article "Watching Child Suffer is a Major Test of Faith," New Haven Register, May 19, 2001.
"If you were a lower court judge, you would probably read Bush-Gore very narrowly, as a one-shot deal concerning individual manual tabulation. You could easily get rid of these cases on that ground. On the other hand, you might have reasons to try to expand Bush-Gore."
-- Knight Professor of Constitutional Law & the First Amendment Jack M. Balkin, "Bush v. Gore Prompts Voter-Access Suits by Civil Rights Groups," Broward Daily Business Review, May 23, 2001.
"Drug companies spend billions on research and development. The cost they charge consumers is the way the companies make that back."
-- Associate professor at the Yale School of Management Fiona Scott Morton, "Forum Focuses on High Cost of Drugs," New Haven Register, May 19, 2001.
"It's important for the solicitor general to be perceived by the court and by the public generally as someone who is prepared to call the shots the way he sees them."
-- Alfred M. Rankin Professor of Law Drew S. Days III, "The Solicitor General and the Senate Debate," Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 26, 2001.
"[Italy] is a country that likes perversity, but it also much appreciates a self-made man."
-- Arnold Wolfers Professor of Political Science Joseph La Palombara, "TV King Tunes Into Election Victory," Birmingham Post, May 15, 2001.
"The United States' failure to pay its dues, more than any other cause, has resulted in its loss of the United Nations' respect."
-- Lecturer in political science James S. Sutterlin in his letter to the editor "Offending the U.N.," The New York Times, May 15, 2001.
"What has struck a vicarious terror into my heart in the last few years is the determination of British institutions to increase the size of their Ph.D. programmes."
-- Sterling Professor of English Annabel Patterson, "Academic 'Terrorised' by English Ph.D. Numbers," The Times Higher Education Supplement, May 11, 2001.
"A whole lot in Anglo-American trials depends on demeanor evidence -- how somebody comes off the stand."
-- Professor of law Ruth Wedgwood, "A Vow to Appeal Verdict; Man's Conviction in Tortola Murder Stuns Friends, Family," Newsday, May 12, 2001.
"Historically, gene-prediction programs have tended to miss over 50% of genes."
-- Chair of the Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Michael Snyder, "So What's the Score?" New Scientist, May 12, 2001.
"[C]hildren who are living with leukemia but were destined to die, who are now alive and well, have had families, because they waited long enough to get to that one drug when it came on the market. I think that's the kind of hope that is fair to give cancer patients, that you should try to take advantage of everything we have to live as long as you possibly can because things are happening, and things are happening that might affect your life in a very positive way. I think that's a reasonable hope and not hype."
-- Director of the Yale Cancer Center Dr. Vincent DeVita, "Charlie Rose," May 30, 2001.
"We [in New York] don't need an Olympics to feel good about ourselves, because we are already a world-class city."
-- Adjunct professor at the School of Architecture Alexander Garvin, "Visions of Olympic Glory in New York," May 14, 2001.
"For 20th-century readers of English with even some knowledge of French literature, Victor Hugo's monumental poetic oeuvre comprising well over 155,000 lines -- and this aside from the verse of his dramas -- has stood like a vast shadowed mountain, unvisited and unclimbed, celebrated and ignored."
-- Professor of English John Hollander in his review of "Selected Poems of Victor Hugo," "The Vast and Incomparable Epic Poetry of Victor Hugo," latimes.com, May 13, 2001.
"The second World War is increasingly seen as the last or only noncontroversial war. Even in 1941, there was widespread agreement that the United States had to fight. That war saw the least dissension, whether it was political or spiritual. Even the number of conscientious objectors was low."
-- William Robertson Coe Professor of American History and Religious Studies Jon Butler, "Remembering The 'Perfect War,'" The Hartford Courant, May 25, 2001.
"Anything you do legally has emotional aspects and anything you feel emotionally is going to affect what you do legally. It's a vital combination."
-- Research scientist at the Child Study Center Marsha Kline Pruett about divorce, "Attorney, Psychologist Offer Advice for a Textbook Divorce," Copley News Service, May 28, 2001.
"Right now, technology stocks are viewed the way automobile stocks were viewed when the automobile industry was new."
-- Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics Robert J. Shiller, "Don't Pop That Cork. Valuations Look Mighty Stretched: Broad Advance: Dismal Profit Outlook Still Biggest Threat to Stocks," The National Post, May 26, 2001.
"Only a small plot of common intellectual ground unites members of the Federalist Society, but that plot is nevertheless precious."
-- Law School student Minor Myers III in his article "Democrats Distort the Federalist Society," The Hartford Courant, May 17, 2001.
"As scientists unlock the intricacies of the genetic code, lawyers must revise the intricacies of the legal code."
-- Southmayd Professor of Law Akhil Reed Amar in his article "A Safe Intrusion -- We Could 'Fingerprint' Everyone's DNA and Still Protect Privacy if Doctrinal Obstructionists Would Just Get Out of the Way," The American Lawyer, June 2001.
"While [trying to help someone like vegetables by sweetening them] may not work with someone who has already developed an aversion to a food, I can see it working with a new food or with a food to which someone has a neutral response."
-- Professor of surgery (otolaryngology), epidemiology & public health and psychology Dr. Linda Bartoshuk, "Sugar May Condition More to Eat Vegetables," United Press International, May 30, 2001.
"Ever since Plutarch, collective biography, as a genre and as a method, has been both fascinating and tricky. At its best, it can illumine each of its subjects in a new light. . . . But it can also slide very easily into a reductionism that subordinates the individuality of any one person to a typology or a 'school of thought' or an ideology or a zeitgeist."
-- Sterling Professor Emeritus of History Jaroslav Pelikan in his review of "The Metaphysical Club" "Thinking Big, Thinking Free," latimes.com, May 20, 2001.
"If in fact the bullets that killed her were not the bullets the mayor gave out, then they've got enormous problems proving that the mayor's action makes him an accomplice in an actual murder."
-- Professor of law Steven B. Duke about a York, Pennsylvania, mayor who is charged with the murder of a black woman because he encouraged white police officers to kill as many blacks as possible during a race riot 32 years ago, "Can York Mayor Be Convicted of Murder? Some Say it Won't be Easy," The Associated Press, May 26, 2001.
"[W]hen you are digging around, potting and planting, you're often bent over and your neck is exposed. So, headwear, which is extremely important to protect yourself from the sun, is especially important in gardening."
-- Professor of dermatology and surgery Dr. David Leffell, "Dr. David Leffell Discusses Ways to Keep One's Skin Away From Damaging Sun Exposure," "NBC Today," May 15, 2001.
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