Buddhism scholar Stanley Weinstein is first Lex Hixon Professor
Stanley Weinstein, the newly named Lex Hixon Professor of World Religions, is considered one of the world's foremost experts on Chinese and Japanese Buddhism.
He is the first incumbent of the Lex Hixon chair, which was established by an alumnus of the Class of 1938 in memory of his son, a 1963 graduate of Yale College who died in 1995.
Weinstein is the author of the 1987 book "Buddhism Under the T'ang," which was translated into Chinese in 1999, and has written numerous articles on Buddhism and other East Asian religions. He wrote a chapter on Buddhism for The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China and has written many articles for The Encyclopedia of Japan. He was a contributing editor of the Japanese-English Buddhist Dictionary, published in 1965. His book "Awakening from Dreams by Viewing the Mind (Kanjin kakumush¯o): An Annotated Translation of a Thirteenth-Century Japanese Yogara Text" is forthcoming from the University of Hawaii Press. The Yale scholar is currently at work on an English translation of selected chapters of the "Shobo Genzo" ("Treasury of the Eye of the True Dharma"), a major work of 13th-century Japanese Zen master Dogen.
Weinstein earned a B.A. in Buddhist studies from Komazawa University in Tokyo, an M.A. in Indian philosophy from Tokyo University and a Ph.D. in Far Eastern languages from Harvard University. He taught at Komazawa University and the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies before joining the Yale faculty in 1968 as an associate professor of Buddhist studies. He was promoted to a full professorship in 1974.
Weinstein was one of the first scholars in the nation to hold a full-time teaching position in Buddhist studies. In his early years at Yale, he was credited with single-handedly establishing the University's reputation as a center for advanced study of Buddhism and Japanese religions. He has since trained many graduate students who have gone on to become scholars in the fields of Buddhist studies and East Asian religions.
Weinstein was chair of the Council on East Asian studies from 1982 to 1985 and director of graduate studies for the Council on East Asian Studies from 1969 to 1973 and again from 1975 to 1977. He has thrice served as director of graduate studies in the Department of Religious Studies.
In support of his work, Weinstein received a Ford Foundation Foreign Area Fellowship and a National Endowment for the Humanities Senior Fellowship. A frequent traveler to Japan and the Far East, he serves on the editorial board of the S¯ot¯o Zen Text Translation Project in Tokyo. He is a member of the Association of Asian Studies, the American Oriental Society, the International Association of Buddhist Studies, the Society for the Study of Japanese Religion and the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions.
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