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-- Randolph W. Townsend Jr. Professor of History Robin W. Winks in his review of Thomas E. Ricks' novel "A Soldier's Duty," "Building Codes," The Washington Post, June 3, 2001.
"We have more waste heat in this country than all of the energy used in Japan."
-- Director of the Industrial Environmental Management Program Marian Chertow, "Waste Land; Industrial Ecologists at Yale Cultivate Natural Cyles," New Haven Register, June 21, 2001.
"Anybody's capable of violence whether they're psychotic or not."
-- Associate professor of psychiatry Dr. Kim Yonkers, "Experts Say Postpartum Maladies Differ; Rare Psychosis is Much More Serious Than Just the 'Baby Blues,'" San Antonio Express-News, June 26, 2001.
"Drug use is similar in white and nonwhite populations, but the level of enforcement is very different among the two groups. Violent crime is more associated with gang activity, associated with drug abuse in minorities, and enforcement is aimed overwhelmingly in that direction."
-- Director of the Institute for Social & Policy Studies Donald Green, "The War on Drugs Fell Heavily on Black Communities, Census Figures Show," The Associated Press, June 28, 2001.
"People are realizing that the Southwest is the Southwest, and its wildlife has its own beauty."
-- Lecturer at the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Gordon Geballe, "Say Goodbye to Grass; More Homeowners Are Going Wild and Letting the Lawn Go," Time, July 2, 2001.
"We need to take far more seriously the importance of embracing a human rights approach to halting the [AIDS] pandemic and of reducing the social and economic vulnerability of those susceptible to HIV infection."
-- Chair of the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health Michael Merson in his article, "Anti-AIDS Arsenal: Money, Research, Courage," The Hartford Courant, June 28, 2001.
"First in Bosnia, then in Kosovo, and now in Macedonia, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has been 'a day late and a dollar short,' as the old saying goes. It is time to get ahead, to make events instead of being led by them. . . ."
-- Adjunct professor of political science William E. Odom in his article "Macedonia Crisis Shows Need for NATO Expansion," The Wall Street Journal, June 20, 2001.
"Injuries and cardiovascular problems cause more deaths in travelers than infectious diseases. Seat belts and crossing streets safely are equally as important as taking your antimalarials."
-- Director of the Office of International Health Dr. Michele Barry, "Staying Healthy While You're Traveling," The Hartford Courant, June 24, 2001.
"Trees are an important part of America's heritage."
-- Professor at the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Jim Lyons, "Mount Vernon Clones History; Old 'Champion' Trees Will Be Reproduced to Fill out Grounds," USA Today, June 20, 2001.
"We are hard-wired to eat foods high in sugar and fat like ice cream. It's a problem of ancient genes in a modern environment."
-- Director of the Center for Eating & Weight Disorders Kelly Brownell, "Overweight, With Much To Lose," The Philadelphia Inquirer, June 21, 2001.
"Reading Shakespeare is like overhearing yourself. For people who find it difficult to talk to themselves -- and I suspect that this is true for many people in business -- reading Shakespeare is an incredible way to learn about themselves."
-- Sterling Professor of the Humanities Harold Bloom, "Getting Down to Business With the Bard," Toronto Star, June 16, 2001.
"Art has traditionally been the way people have dealt with oppression and tried to make meaning in a world that, for them, makes no sense. It's a great irony that so much of the world's most beautiful art has been the result of suffering."
-- Gerard C. & Bernice Latrobe Smith Professor of International Law Harold Hongju Koh, "Arts Festival Taps Into Yale Prof's Globe-Hopping Life," New Haven Register, June 17, 2001.
"Most of urban and rural America from Iowa to Pennsylvania was shut down for months at a time in the cold winter of '76-'77. People had to go and sleep on the floor of schoolhouses because there was no gas."
-- Williams Brothers Professor of Management Studies Paul MacAvoy about the effect of earlier price caps on energy resources, "Tougher Price Caps Prompt Controversy; Consumer Boon or Bane? Experts Split," The San Francisco Chronicle, June 18, 2001.
"The [public policy] issues nowadays are unbelievably pluralistic. There's hardly an issue you can think of that doesn't turn to some extent on technical knowledge."
-- Stanley Woodward Professor of History Daniel Kevles, "Sure, It's Rocket Science, But Who Needs Scientists?" The New York Times, June 17, 2001.
"If it's a crack, you know the ball is hit pretty hard, and you'd better start running backward."
-- Sterling Professor Emeritus of Physics Robert Adair about the acoustic cues outfielders rely on in baseball, "The Crack of the Bat: Acoustics Takes On the Sounds of Baseball," The New York Times, June 26, 2001.
"We've been effectively treating cancer for a long time. However, the fruits of the molecular revolution are starting to pay off to give us the more specific therapies that we've always looked for."
-- Director of the Yale Cancer Center Dr. Vincent DeVita, "Dr. Vincent DeVita, Dr. Brian Druker, Dr. Jerome Groopman and Dr. Dennis Slamon Discuss the Subject of So-Called Targeted Drug Therapies in Dealing With Cancer," National Public Radio, June 1, 2001.
"Voices ['heard' by schizophrenics] are particularly disabling, often producing great fear in patients and, at times, lack of control, leading to behaviors such as suicide and assault."
-- Associate professor of psychiatry Dr. Ralph Hoffman, "Magnets That Can Make You a Genius: The Nature of Things: Research Into the Effects of Magnetic Fields on the Brain is Showing Promise," Financial Times (London), June 2, 2001.
"There are more and more copycats and programs that help write [computer] viruses. There seem to be more viruses every day."
-- University information security officer H. Morrow Long, "'Worm' Promises Lopez in the Buff; E-mail Holds No Photo, Just a Pain in Your PC," New Haven Register, June 1, 2001.
"Head Start has always had a bit of a 'Perils of Pauline' existence. People love it, and then they hate it. They say it works, then they want to change it."
-- Sterling Professor of Psychology Edward Zigler, "Standing Up for Head Start's Strengths," The Christian Science Monitor, June 19, 2001.
"The countries that will be hurt right away [by a global climate change], and it will get worse and worse as it continues to warm, are the low latitude countries, the developing countries."
-- Edwin Weyerhaeuser Davis Professor of Forest Policy Robert Mendelsohn, "Battle Over Climate Change," National Public Radio, June 17, 2001.
"[T]he country's health insurance system won't be universal unless it is compulsory, like Social Security and Medicare."
-- Sterling Professor Emeritus of Economics James Tobin in his letter to the editor, The New York Times, June 26, 2001.
"[T]here are very few generalizations you can make about all countries. One generalization you can make is that the most expensive country in the world is the one that doesn't have a (healthcare) system. That's indisputable. So, if anybody comes from America to tell you about how to control the costs of medical care you should say that's like going to a brothel to discuss justice."
-- Professor at the Yale School of Management Theodore Marmor, "Q&A; Marmor: Shopping Around for the Best (Healthcare) System, As If It Were a Nice Dress, is Misguiding," Warsaw Business Journal, June 18, 2001.
"One of the things that has always troubled me about the history business is the kind of denial of connections between the author's character, on the one hand, and the subject matter on the other. There's a kind of pretense we seem to live by that our work is somehow apart from our lives. That's totally false. Every historian picks subjects to which he feels connected in a deep-down way."
-- Professor of history John Demos, "The Untold Links Between Biographer and Subject," The New York Times, June 24, 2001.
"America's most vital interest, therefore, is the preservation of the general peace, for war has been the swiftest, most expensive and most devastating means of changing the balance of international power and destroying prosperity and freedom."
-- Hillhouse Professor of Classics & History Donald Kagan speaking before the House Armed Services Committee, "For the Record," washingtonpost.com, June 22, 2001.
"In almost every country of the world, including our own, nurses were the front-line health workers who saw the first [AIDS] patients, recognized the need for care and developed the necessary programs. If the nurses of China are worried, then the epidemic has likely arrived, regardless of official pronouncements to the contrary."
-- Helen Porter Jayne & Martha Prosser Jayne Professor of Nursing Ann Williams in her letter to the editor "In Fighting AIDS, We Cannot Delay," The New York Times, June 27, 2001.
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