August 31, 2001
Volume 30, Number 1
Two-Week Issue
The Great Outdoors
Some members of the Yale community beat the summer heat by escapting to the University's Outdoor Education Center, a 2,000-acre facilty located on a lake in East Lyme. Members can swim, canoe, fish, hike, camp out, play horse shoes and volleyball, or just fool around in the sand. For information, call (203) 432-2492.
T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 Yale to greet new crop of students

 Over half of new foreign students got financial aid

 Programs pay tribute to Yale abolitionist

 Stern, González Echevarría named DeVane Professors

 Discovery may yield insights into treating high blood pressure

 Hockfield is appointed Gilbert Professor

 Brewer returns to Yale as Weyerhaeuser Professor

 African American studies celebrates 30th year

 Symposium will explore 'Challenges to Internationalizing Yale'

IN FOCUS: Yale Architecture
 While You Were Away: The Summer's Top Stories Revisited

 Art Gallery exhibit combines the visual and literary

 Ethnic cleansing in Europe and America is focus of Lamar Center's weekend symposium

 'Symmetry and Asymmetry' is topic of Tetelman Lecture

 Fair to highlight resources for those with disabilities

 School of Music celebrates new year with concert, convocation

 New Yale Library website unveiled

 C. Norman Gillis, noted vascular disease specialist, dies

 The Great Outdoors

 Pictures and poems sought for contests at Morse College

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