Standing, Special and Appointments Committees
The following committees have been appointed by the President of the University
Advisory Committee of the Division of Biological Sciences
Kim Bottomly, Divisional Director
Norma Andrews
Daniel DiMaio
Leonard Kaczmarek
Lynne Regan
Frank Ruddle
Gerald Shulman
Stephen Stearns
Advisory Committee of the Division
of the Humanities
Howard Bloch, Divisional Director (fall)
Wai Chee Dimock, Acting Divisional Director (spring)
Rolena Adorno (fall)
Dudley Andrew (spring)
Roberta Frank
James Hepokoski (spring)
Dale Martin (spring)
Leon Plantinga (fall)
Stuart Schwartz
John Treat
Mimi Yiengpruksawan
Advisory Committee of the Division
of Physical Sciences and Engineering
Steven Zucker, Divisional Director
Ronald Coifman (spring)
Menachem Elimelech (spring)
Joan Feigenbaum
John Harris
Roger Howe (fall)
Richard Larson
Peter Moore
Jeffrey Park
Daniel Prober (fall)
Mitchell Smooke
Advisory Committee of the
Division of Social Sciences
Alvin K. Klevorick, Divisional Director
Donald Brown
Richard Burger
Paul Gilroy (fall)
Louis Goldstein
David Pollard
Stephen Skowronek
Karen Wynn
Term Appointments Committee
Richard Brodhead, Chair
Dirk Bergemann
Susanna Braund (spring)
Xing-Wang Deng
Gilbert Joseph
Nicholas Read
John Walz
David Watts
Faculty Committee on Athletics
Stan Wheeler, Chair
Thomas Beckett, ex officio
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
James Comer
Joseph Gordon, ex officio
Robert Grober
Jonathan Holloway
Frank Keil
Judith Krauss
Penelope Laurans
Nicole Parisier
Lloyd Suttle, ex officio
Gerald Thomas
Betty Trachtenberg, ex officio
Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility
Esther Bauman
David Corson-Knowles (undergraduate)
Henry Hansmann
Peter Korakas (graduate student)
John Lapides
Lawrence Link
Nathaniel Woodson
Advisory Committee on Library Policy
John Mack Faragher, Chair
Stanley Eisenstat
Benjamin Foster
Joanne Freeman
Beatrice Gruendler
Polly Ha (undergraduate)
Christine Hayes
Douglas Kankel
Philip Long, ex officio
Karen Marrero (graduate student)
Ann Okerson, ex officio
Leon Plantinga
Alice Prochaska, ex officio
Claude Rawson
Lloyd Suttle, ex officio
President's Committee on Racial
and Ethnic Harassment
Drew S. Days, III, Convener
Gilbert Bond
Joseph Chang
Noah Chesnin (undergraduate)
Vishal Gupta (undergraduate)
Nancy Dae Jin (graduate student)
Susan Rieger
University Advisory Committee
for the Yale Center for British Art
Constance Clement, Chair
Brian Allen
Richard Benson, ex officio
Timothy Barringer
David Bromwich
Judith Colton
Edward S. Cooke, Jr., ex officio
Gary Haller
Paul Kennedy
Diana Kleiner, ex officio
Alice Prochaska, ex officio
Jules Prown
Alexander Purves
Claude Rawson
Jock Reynolds, ex officio
Frank Turner
Robin Winks
Keith Wrightson
Ruth Yeazell, ex officio
The following committees have been appointed by the Dean of Yale College
Course of Study
Robert Harms, Chair
Joseph Gordon, Vice Chair
Judith Calvert, Secretary to the Chair,
ex officio
Stephen Lassonde, Recording Secretary
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Judith Hackman, ex officio
Matthew Jacobson
Dianne Jonas
Lawrence King
Christina Moreiras-Menor
Harold Scheffler
Patrick Vaccaro
Jerry Woodall
David Wu
Meghan Casey '02
Nicholas Degani '03
Raul Ruiz '03
Teaching and Learning
Charles Bailyn, Chair
Paul McKinley, Secretary
Kathryn Alexander
Edward Kairiss, ex officio
Christy Marshuetz
John Meeske, ex officio
Scott Strobel
Charles Forelle '02
Marissa Leung '02
Noam Schimmel '02
Honors and Academic atanding
Mark Schenker, Chair
Hugh Flick, Secretary
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Stephen Colvin
Robert Crabtree
Elizabeth Dillon
Ingeborg Glier
Barry Kane, ex officio
Elizabeth Smiley '02
Yanev Suissa '02
Executive Committee
Margaret Riley, Chair
Langdon Hammer, Factfinder
Jill Cutler, Secretary
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Richard Casten
Roberta Frank
Nadine George-Graves
John Lapinski
Susan Sawyer (adv. General Counsel)
Brian Scholl
Lorraine Siggins, MD
Betty Trachtenberg (designate,
Dean YC)
John Wood
Nana Asafu-Agyei '02
Paige Herwig '02
Jack Rubin '02
Richard Brodhead, Chair
Keith Wrightson, Secretary
Jennifer Baszile
Timothy Guinnane
Andrew Hamilton
John Hartigan
Mary Miller
John MacKay
Timothy Nelson
Linda Peterson
Robert Schoelkopf
Teaching in the Residential Colleges
Paul Fry, Chair
Christa Dove, Vice-Chair
Joseph Gordon
Janet Henrich
George Levesque
Ellen Lust-Okar
Nicole Parisier
Richard Schottenfeld
David Watts
Kariann Yokota
Sarah Marcus '03
Margaret Sherriffs '02
Executive Committee on
Programs in the Humanities
Maria Rosa Menocal, Chair [Spring]
Steven Smith, Acting Chair [Fall]
Howard Bloch
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
David Bromwich
Mark Burde
Michael Della Rocca
Maria Georgopoulou
Joseph Gordon
Diana Kleiner
Jane Levin
Ivan Marcus
Annabel Patterson
Gabriel Richardson
Howard Stern
Lloyd Suttle
Norma Thompson
Frank Turner
Christopher Wood
Grievance Board for Student
Complaints of Sexual Harassment
Peter Parker, Convenor
Christos Cabolis
Binnie Klein
Janet Pan
Betty Trachtenberg
Janine Hoitt '02
Dana Peck '02
Stephanie Schmid '02
Brian Yolles '02
Undergraduate Organizations
Betty Trachtenberg, Chair
Philip Greene, Secretary
Thomas Duffy
Harvey Goldblatt
Edgar Letriz
John Meeske
Nicole Parisier
Susan Sawyer
Mukul Bakhshi '02
Serge Grossman '03
Meredith Whipple '03
Environmental Studies Advisory
Mary Helen Goldsmith, Chair
Roger Ely
Robert Evenson
Daniel Kevles
Jeffrey Park
Oswald Schmitz
J. Gustave Speth
Stephen Stearns
Steven Stoll
Karl Turekian
John Wargo
Harvey Weiss
Economic Status of the Faculty
A. Douglas Stone, Chair
David Austin
Dirk Bergemann
Thomas Brooks, ex officio
Kang-i Sun Chang
John Goldin, ex officio
Hilary Fink Kawall
Enrique Mayer
Special Students Advisory
Jean-Christophe Agnew, Chair
Saveena Dhall, Director of Special Students
Diana Cooke, Director of Special Students Admissions
Robert Crabtree
Judith Cushingham
Joseph Gordon
Cynthia Russett
Betty Trachtenberg
Ethics, Politics & Economics Advisory
Ian Shapiro, Chair
Arun Agrawal
Seyla Benhabib
John Geanakoplos
Roger Gould
Shelly Kagan
Ellen Lust-Okar
Benjamin Polak
Mathias Risse
Social Sciences
Susan Hockfield, Chair
Alvin Klevorick, Director
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Donald Brown
Richard Burger
Paul Gilroy [fall]
Louis Goldstein
David Pollard
Stephen Skowronek
Keith Wrightson
Karen Wynn
Physical Sciences & Engineering
Susan Hockfield, Chair
Steven Zucker, Director
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Ronald Coifman [spring}
Menachem Elimelech [spring]
Joan Feigenbaum
John Geanakoplos
John Harris
Roger Howe [fall]
Richard Larson
Peter Moore
Jeffrey Park
Daniel Prober [fall]
Mitchell Smooke
Biological sciences
David Kessler, MD, Chair
H. Kim Bottomly, Director
Norma Andrews
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Daniel DiMaio
Susan Hockfield, ex officio
Leonard Kaczmarek
Lynne Regan
Frank Ruddle
Gerald Shulman, MD
Stephen Stearns
John Wood
Susan Hockfield, Chair
Howard Bloch, Director [fall]
Wai Chee Dimock, Acting Director
Rolena Adorno [fall]
Dudley Andrew [spring]
Paul Bloom
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Roberta Frank
James Hepokoski [spring]
Dale Martin [spring]
Leon Plantinga [fall]
Stuart Schwartz
John Treat
Mimi Yiengpruksawan
Term appointments
Richard Brodhead, Chair
Dirk Bergemann
Susanna Braund [spring]
Xing-Wang Deng
Susan Hockfield ex officio
Gilbert Joseph
Nicholas Read
John Walz
David Watts
Morse Humanities
Richard Brodhead, Chair
Rolena Adorno
Kang-i Sun Chang
Katerina Clark
Gilbert Joseph
Alexander Nemerov
Joseph Roach
Natural Sciences
Richard Brodhead, Chair
Donald Engelman
Joan Feigenbaum
John Hartwig
Douglas Kankel
Mitchell Smooke
Social Sciences
Richard Brodhead, Chair
Deborah Davis
John Geanakoplos
Laurence Horn
Alan Kazdin
William Kelly
Stephen Skowronek
Expository Writing
Linda Peterson, Chair
Emily Bakemeier
Joseph Bizup
Joseph Gordon
Laura King
John MacKay
Jennifer Pitts
William Summers, MD
Admissions and Financial Aid Policy
Richard C. Levin, Co-Chair
Richard H. Brodhead, Co-Chair
Charles Bailyn
Mahzarin Banaji [fall]
Jennifer Baszile
Paul Fry
Joseph Gordon
Gary Haller
Mary Miller
Leon Plantinga
William Segraves
Richard Shaw
Myra Smith
Lloyd Suttle
Judaic Studies Advisory
Paula Hyman, Chair
Walter Cahn
Steven Fraade
William Hallo
Benjamin Harshav [fall]
Christine Hayes
Ivan Marcus [fall]
Jeffrey Sammons
Steven Smith
Nanette Stahl
Robert Wilson
Ethnicity, Race and Migration Advisory
Michael Denning, Chair
Alicia Schmidt Camacho
M. Kamari Clarke
Guillermo Irizarry
Matthew Jacobson
Gilbert Joseph
Kenneth Kidd
Mary Lui
Sanda Lwin
Enrique Mayer
Patricia Pessar
Vron Ware
Bryan Wolf
Film Studies Advisory
Dudley Andrew, Co-Chair
Charles Musser, Co-Chair
Ora Avni [spring]
Murray Biggs
Katerina Clark
John Faragher
Joshua Gamson
Christine Hegedus
Michael Kerbel
Sandra Luckow
John MacKay
D. A. Pennebaker
Brigitte Peucker
Kristin Phillips
Michael Raine
Joseph Roach
Michael Roemer
Carol Scully
Noa Steimatsky
John Szwed
Alan Trachtenberg [fall]
Paolo Valesio
Theater Studies Advisory
Robert Stepto, Chair
Murray Biggs
Nadine George-Graves
Cyrus Hamlin [fall]
David Krasner
Lawrence Manley
Donia Mounsef
Charles Musser
Diana Paulin
Joseph Roach
Marc Robinson
Michael Roemer
Lloyd Suttle
Kirk Williams
Stan Wojewodski, Jr.
Committee on Majors
John Hartigan, Chair
Vladimir Alexandrov [spring]
Christy Anderson [fall]
Joseph Gordon
Philip Levy [spring]
Susan Rieger
Helen Siu [fall]
Elizabeth J. Kelly '03
Special Programs in the Arts
Alan Plattus, Chair
Sheila de Bretteville
Langdon Hammer
Kellie Jones
Charles Musser
Leon Plantinga
Marc Robinson
Safety and Health for Athletes
Richard Brodhead, Chair
Thomas Beckett, ex officio
Donald Kagan
Penelope Laurans
Paul Genecin, MD, ex officio
Stanton Wheeler
Women's & Gender Studies Council
Margaret Homans, Chair [fall]
Joshua Gamson, Acting Chair [spring]
Mahzarin Banaji [fall]
Linda Bartoshuk
Alicia Schmidt Camacho
Jill Campbell
Hazel Carby
Kang-i Sun Chang
M. Kamari Clarke
Nancy Cott [fall]
Elizabeth Dillon
Ingeborg Glier
Serene Jones
Marianne LaFrance
Mary Lui
Patricia Pessar
Linda-Anne Rebhun
Naomi Rogers
Cynthia Russett
Harold Scheffler
William Summers, MD
Michael Trask
Vron Ware
Laura Wexler
Dean's Advisory on Student Grievances
William Summers, MD, Chair
Saveena Dhall
Ezra Griffith, MD
Betty Trachtenberg
Rachel Alpert '03
Teacher Preparation Program
Jonathon Gillette, Chair
Jill Campbell
Gordon Geballe
Judith Hackman
Roger Howe [fall]
Matthew Jacobson
Frank Keil
Robert Wyman
The following committees have been appointed by the Provost of the University
University Budget Committee
Alison F. Richard, Chair
Robert L. Culver
Janet H. Ackerman
Richard Benson
J. Alan Brewster
Richard H. Brodhead
Bruce F. Carmichael
Rebecca S. Chopp
Indy C. Crowley
Paul A. Fleury
Glenda E. Gilmore
Julie R. Grant
Susan Hockfield
Pierre C. Hohenberg
John D. Jacobson
Diana E.E. Kleiner
Charles H. Long
Charles J. Pagnam
Alice Prochaska
Gustav Ranis
John E. Roemer
Peter Salovey
Jed M. Shivers
Norman J. Siegel
Stephanie S. Spangler
J. Lloyd Suttle
University Audit Committee
Alison F. Richard, Chair
Janet Ackerman
Robert L. Culver
Robert McNeil
Dorothy K. Robinson
Cary B. Scapillato
Expanded Executive Committee
of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Alison F. Richard, Chair
R. Howard Bloch (Fall 2001)
H. Kim Bottomly
Richard H. Brodhead
Wai Chee Dimock, (Acting Spring 2002)
Susan Hockfield
Alvin K. Klevorick
Richard C. Levin
Steven Zucker
Steering Committee of the
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Alison F. Richard, Chair
Richard H. Brodhead
Susan Hockfield
Pierre C. Hohenberg
Diana E.E. Kleiner
Charles H. Long
Stephanie S. Spangler
J. Lloyd Suttle
Committee on Cooperative Research
Ian Shapiro, Chair
William C. Brainard
Benjamin S. Bunney
Susan L. Carney, ex officio
John Geanakoplos
Andrew Hamilton
Susan Hockfield
Pierre C. Hohenberg, ex officio
Richard P. Lifton
Lawrence G. Manley
Jon S. Morrow
Robert G. Shulman
E. Jonathan Soderstrom, ex officio
Stephanie S. Spangler, ex officio
Dennis D. Spencer
David C. Ward
Michael E. Zeller
Provost's Committee
on Conflict of Interest
William C. Summers, Chair
Jean Bologna
Susan L. Carney
Thomas O. Carpenter
Penrhyn E. Cook
Margaret Grey
Gary Haller
Pierre C. Hohenberg
Karen K. Lamb
Suzanne K. Polmar
Sara Rockwell
Alanna Schepartz
E. Jonathan Soderstrom
Stephanie S. Spangler
Timothy L. Vollmer
Dick R. Wittink
Werner P. Wolf (Fall 2001)
Consultative Group for International Activities at Yale
Gustav Ranis, Chair
Michelle Barry
Richard H. Brodhead
Rebecca S. Chopp
Jeffrey E. Garten
Susan Hockfield
Anthony T. Kronman
Charles H. Long, ex officio
Michael H. Merson
Nancy L. Ruther
J. Gustave Speth
Strobe Talbott
Karl K. Turekian
Christopher R. Udry
Executive Committee of the Yale Center for International and Area Studies
Gustav Ranis, Chair
Jon Butler
Deborah Davis
Daniel C. Esty
William N. Goetzmann
Harvey Goldblatt
Michael Holquist
Charles H. Long, ex officio
Robert O. Mendelsohn
Mary E. Miller
Ann L. Okerson
Susan Rose-Ackerman
Ian Shapiro
Christopher R. Udry
Robin Winks
Executive Committee of the Institution for Social and Policy Studies
Donald Green, Chair
Stephanie S. Spangler, ex officio
John Roemer
Peter Salovey
Language Study Committee
Harvey Goldblatt, Chair
Emily P. Bakemeier, ex officio
Teresa A. Carballal
Diane Cordova
Edwin M. Duval
Ayaza Dvoretsky
Steven D. Fraade
Nina Garrett, ex officio
Joseph W. Gordon
Edward W. Kairiss
Maria Kosinski
Charles Long, ex officio
Nancy L. Ruther
Pamela Schirmeister
Digital Media Center for the Arts (DMCA) Working Group
Richard Benson, Chair
Edward S. Cooke, Jr.
John French
Diana E.E. Kleiner, ex officio
Paul S. Lawrence
Advisory Committee on Resources for Students and Employees with Disabilities
Roman Kuc, Chair
Linda Bartoshuk
Diane I. Cordova
Melissa Felder
Hugh Flick, Jr.
Caroline G. Hendel, ex officio
Frances A. Holloway, ex officio
Ruth Koizim, ex officio
Karen K. Lamb, ex officio
Danuta A. Nitecki
Kari R. Nordstrom, ex officio
Stephanie S. Spangler, ex officio
Cynthia A. Terry
Betty Trachtenberg
Glenn Weston-Murphy
John R. Woodford
Judy York, ex officio
Advisory Committee on Environmental Management
Thomas Graedel, Chair
David Bercovici
Bruce Carmichael
Virginia Chapman
Ian Cheney
Martin Costello
Martha Crawford
Robert Dincecco
Menachem Elimelech
Elan Gandsman
Stephen Kellert
Nathaniel Keohane
Andrew Kroon
Karen Lamb, ex officio
Brian Leaderer
Cyril May
Roberto Meinrath
Colin O'Brien
Nicholas Ornston
Alan Plattus
Justin Pollard
Jeffrey Powell
Carol Rose
University Advisory Committee
on International Education
Gustav Ranis, Chair
Paul Freedman
Nina Garrett, ex officio
Robert W. Harms
Ann Kuhlman, ex officio
Enrique J. Mayer
Curtis L. Patton
Brigitte M. Peucker
Jeffrey R. Powell
Frances M. Rosenbluth
Barbara Rowe
Barbara J. Safriet
Pamela Schirmeister, ex officio
Sabatino Sofia
Shyam Sunder
Ann B. Williams
Research Fund for Lesbian
and Gay Studies (FLAGS)
Marianne LaFrance, Chair
Emily P. Bakemeier, ex officio
William N. Eskridge Jr.
Joshua P. Gamson
Joseph W. Gordon
Margaret B. Homans
Charles Porter
William C. Summers
Michael Trask
John W. Treat III
Laura Wexler
Patricia C. Willis
Standing Advisory and Appointments Committee for the School of Architecture
Alison F. Richard, Chair
Edward S. Cooke, Jr.
Stephen R. Kellert
Diana E.E. Kleiner, ex officio
Tod Papageorge
Alexander Purves
Douglas W. Rae
Standing Advisory and Appointments Committee for the Divinity School
Alison F. Richard, Chair
Robert A. Burt
Adela Collins (Spring 2002)
Michael Della Rocca
Steven D. Fraade
Stanley Insler
Diana E.E. Kleiner, ex officio
Bentley Layton
Frank M. Turner
Standing Advisory and Appointments Committee for the School of Drama
Alison F. Richard, Chair
Michael Friedman
Diana E.E. Kleiner, ex officio
Joseph R. Roach (Fall 2001)
Steven B. Smith
Victor H. Vroom
Evan D. Yionoulis
Standing Appointments and Promotions Committee for the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health (EPH)
David A. Kessler, Co-Chair
Susan Hockfield, Co-Chair
H. Kim Bottomly
Michael Bracken
Margaret Hostetter
Robert Makuch
I. George Miller, Jr.
David B. Pollard
Jeffrey R. Powell
Nancy Ruddle
Paul Schultz
Mary E. Tinetti
Standing Advisory and Appointments Committee for the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Alison F. Richard, Chair
Michael Dove
Menachem Elimelech
Pierre C. Hohenberg, ex officio
Brian P. Leaderer
Jeffrey J. Park
Susan Rose-Ackerman
Christopher R. Udry
Robert J. Wyman
Standing Advisory and Appointments Committee for the School of Management
Alison F. Richard, Chair
William C. Brainard
Alvin K. Klevorick
John H.Langbein
Charles H. Long, ex officio
Jerry L. Mashaw
Gustav Ranis
Standing Advisory and Appointments Committee for the School of Music
Alison F. Richard, Chair
Stephen R. Anderson
Rochelle Feinstein
Martin D. Jean
Diana E.E. Kleiner, ex officio
Patrick McCreless
Mary E. Miller
Doris Yarick-Cross
Standing Advisory and Appointments Committee for the School of Nursing
Alison F. Richard, Chair
Lawrence Cohen
Margaret Grey
Theodore R. Holford
Harlan M. Krumholz
Michael H. Merson
Peter Salovey
Stephanie S. Spangler, ex officio
Ann B. Williams
Review Committee for the
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Brian J. Skinner, Chair
Michael Della Rocca
Paul H. Fry
David Pollard
Ruth Wedgwood
Gift Stewardship Committee
Alison Richard, Co-Chair
Charles Pagnam, Co-Chair
William B. Bidwell
Archibald Currie
Abigail Fearon
Judith D. Hackman
Robert McNeil
Usha Pasi
Jane E. Reynolds
Susan Sawyer
Bjong Wolf Yeigh
Arts Area Advisory Committee
Diana E.E. Kleiner, Chair
Richard Benson
Robert L. Blocker
Constance Clement
Edward S. Cooke, Jr.
Pamela J. Delphenich
Christine de Vallet
Philip Long
Patrick McCaughey
Julia Parker
Jock Reynolds III
Robert A.M. Stern
J. Lloyd Suttle
Stanley J. Wojewodski, Jr.
Val Woods
Information Technology Services Advisory Committee
Douglas Kankel, Chair
Harold W. Attridge
Margaret W. Beal
Edward S. Cooke, Jr.
Keller A. Easterling
Joan Feigenbaum
Pierre C. Hohenberg, ex officio
Philip Long, ex officio
Barry Nalebuff
Stacy Ruwe, ex officio
Oswald J. Schmitz
Gordon Shepherd
Kate Stith
J. Lloyd Suttle, ex officio
Music Advisory Committee
Diana E.E. Kleiner, Chair
Robert L. Blocker
Kendall L. Crilly
Pamela J. Delphenich
Thomas C. Duffy
Margot Fassler
Gary L. Haller
Patrick McCreless
Kari R. Nordstrom
Leon B. Plantinga
Richard T. Rephann
Animal Care and Use Committee
J.G. Collins, Chair
Joel Black
Charles W. Bradberry
Gail A. Cameron
Dan Connaghan
Elizabeth Eynon
Kelly Fusco
Cyrus Gaeta
Tamas Horvath
Susan Lederer
James D. Macy, Jr.
Kim Mickey, ex officio
Carol Murgo
Mark Packard
Randina A. Prete, ex officio
Scott A. Rivkees
Sara Rockwell, ex officio
Albert J. Sinusas
Frank Slack
William B. Stewart
Matthew Wilcox
Biological Safety Committee
W. Dean Rupp, Chair
Tina Agentis
Robert S. Baltimore
John H. Bollier
Jonathan E. Clune
Susan R. Compton
Stephen L. Dellaporta
Erol Fikrig
Durland Fish
Benjamin A. Fontes
Elan J. Gandsman
Brigitte P. Griffith
Robert Heimer
Paul Kowalski
Karen Lamb
James D. Macy, Jr.
Sara C. Rockwell
Brian R. Smith
Kirby Stafford
Shirley J. Tirrell
Dorothyann J. van Rhijn
Board of University Health
Stephanie S. Spangler, Chair
Julie Carter
Ravi Durvasula, ex officio
Paul Genecin, ex officio
Joseph Gordon
Julie Grant
Chris Kielt, ex officio
David Leffell
Colleen Lim
Judith Madeux, ex officio
Paula Milone-Nuzzo
Charles Paul
Barbara Safreit
Pamela Schirmeister
William Sledge
Ricahrd Sleight
Peter Vallone
Radiation Safety Committee
William C. Summers, Chair
Jay Ague
Jeffrey L. Ashenfelter
Agnes E. Barlow
Gaboury Benoit
Nancy Berliner
Jonathan E. Clune
Priscilla Danneis
Elan J. Gandsman
Karen Lamb
Sara C. Rockwell
William A. Segraves
Sami S. Zoghbi
University Safety Committee
Stephanie S. Spangler, Chair
Irwin M. Birnbaum
Jonathan E. Clune
Beverly Costello
Elan J. Gandsman
Paul Genecin
Martha C. Highsmith
Michael E. Johns
Susan Landino
Walter W. Northrop
James A. Perrotti
Sara C. Rockwell
W. Dean Rupp
William C. Summers
Brian J. Tunney
John Wood
FAS Human Subjects Committee
Marianne LaFrance, Chair
Paul Bloom
Susan Bouregy
Hannah Brueckner
Dennis Curtis (Alternate)
Brett Dignam
Joshua Gamson (Alternate)
Ashleigh Hegedus
Kristin Lane (Fall 2001)
Colleen Palmer
Suzanne Polmar
Jay Pottenger (Alternate)
Linda-Anne Rebhun
Lorraine Siggins, MD
School of Medicine Human Investigation Committees
Maurice Mahoney, Chair
Kate Adamiak
Sandra Alfano
Derek Boucher
Daniel Connaghan
Dennis Curtis (Alternate)
Brett Dignam (Alternate)
Myron Genel
Ezra Griffith (Alternate)
Robert Homer
Brandy Howell
Robert C. Lange
Stephen Latham
Kathleen Lundgren
Graeme Mason
Lisa Millman
Jerome Murray (Alternate)
Matthew Nock
Daniel Oren
John Pottenger (Alternate)
Rajesh Rao
Joel Rappeport
Brett Rayford
Kenneth Roberts
David Roth
Melody Sacatos (Alternate)
Maria Vasconcelos
Daniel Zelterman
Howard Zonana (Alternate)
Robert Lange, Chair
Edward Akeyson
Alla Bazzy-Asaad
Eric Bleickardt
Sarah Cohn
Dennis Curtis (Alternate)
Patricia Diaz
Brett Dignam (Alternate)
Brian Elbel
Richard Formica
Tony George
Ezra Griffith (Alternate)
Brandy Howell (Alternate)
Glenda Leake
Brent Little
Maurice J. Mahoney
Karen Maleri
Jerome Murray (Alternate)
Linda S. Podd
John Pottenger (Alternate)
Melody Sacatos
James Scott
Carrie Thiessen
Frans Wackers
Keith Williams
Howard Zonana (Alternate)
School of Nursing Human Subjects Research Review Committee
Douglas Olsen, Chair
Dennis Curtis (Alternate)
Susan Devine (Alternate)
Brett Dignam (Alternate)
Jane Dixon
Bernadette Forget
Marjorie Funk
Kathleen Knafl
Barbara Phelan
Heather Reynolds
Mary Schaefer
Larry Scahill
Sandra Talley
Jo-Ellen Wickwire
Howard Zonana (Alternate)
Research Compliance Committee
Susan Carney, Co-Chair
Stephanie S. Spangler, Co-Chair
Janet H. Ackerman
Sarah Biran
Penny Cook
Dan George
Karen Lamb
Robert McNeil
Jill Pagliuca
Suzanne Polmar
Dorothy Robinson
Sarah Rockwell
Jon Soderstrom
Wolf Yeigh
The following committees have been appointed by the Vice President and Secretary of the University
Police Advisory Board
Martha C. Highsmith
James Perrotti
Jonathan Clune
Mike Thompson
Karl Turekian
University Security Committee
Martha C. Highsmith
Nancy Angoff
Joan Carrol
Bill Cross
Jeanne DeChello
John Gilligan
Nina Glickson
Tom Faeth
Jerry Hill
Susan Landino
Rick Maffei
Paul McKinley
James Perrotti
Ken Place
Bill Reynolds
Steven B. Smith
Mike Thompson
Ron Vedrani
Don Wiggin
Na Hyun Cho
Calendar Committee
Linda Koch Lorimer
Martha Highsmith
John Meeske
Betty Trachtenberg
Victor Henrich
Al Klevorick
Don Engelman
Harry Stout
Ernst Huff
Tom Beckett
Sheila Cook
Nina Glickson
David Corson-Knowles
William Ralph
John K. Johnson
Marc Silverman
The following committees have been appointed by the Vice President for Finance and Administration
Associated Student Agencies
Advisory Council
Ernst Huff
Betty Trachtenberg
Victor Stein
Susan Sawyer
Master Steven Smith
Diane Healey
Patricia Duenkel
Diane Williams
William B. McKee
Emily Fain
Jack Snyder
Alexis Hoag
M&P Classification Appeals Panel
Robert Bourgeois
Chaline Johnson
Phillip E. Long
Suzanna K. Lorimer
Mary Varga
John Woods
Yale University Dining Service Advisory Committee
Dean Paul.McKinley,
Judith Krauss
David P. Davidson
Robert Junghandel
John Turenne
Janet D'Agostino
Review Committee for M&P Staff Grievance
Ester Bauman
Robert A. Bourgeois
Jane Coppock
Ellen Cordes
Margit Dahl
Pamela J. Delphenich
Lauren Hackett
Linda J. Hayes
Anna Maria Hummerstone
Colleen Lim
Martha E. Schall
Michael Schwartz
William B. Stewart
Evelyn Streater
Richard Szary
Cathy A. Vellucci
T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 Yale and Unions agree to seek more effective negotiations process

 Campus events honor legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

 Center receives over $12 million in grants for research on AIDS

 IN FOCUS: Electrical Engineering

 'Painted Ladies' of king's court featured in exhibition

 'Art for All Seasons' showcases works by Asian artists

 Works depict the human form, both draped and undraped

 'A Streetcar Named Desire' comes to the Yale stage

 Petrarch's poetry will be highlighted in a campus talk . . .

 Symposium to examine roots of modern visual culture

 Woodcut offers panoramic view of 16th-century Muslim life

 Funny things will happen during a Roman-style comedy week

 Standing, Special and Appointments Committees

 Yale seeks nominees for 2001 Seton Elm-Ivy Awards

 Fellowships for foreign study and travel offered by YCIAS

 Yale Books in Brief

 Campus Notes

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