'Injustice' of lead poisoning to be explored in F&ES talk
Ted Kennedy Jr., research affiliate in the Department of Pediatrics at the School of Medicine, and Dottie Needham, director for the Yale Lead Program and Asthma Outreach Project, will be the next speakers in the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies' (F&ES) Distinguished Lecture Series, "The Restoration Agenda: Environmental Justice."
They will discuss "Lead Poisoning: Justice or Injustice" on Wednesday, Feb. 13, 11:30 a.m.12:50 p.m. in Bowers Auditorium of Sage Hall, 205 Prospect St. Those who attend are invited to bring a brown bag lunch; light refreshments will be served.
Kennedy is currently the president of the Marwood Group, a healthcare investment firm based in New York City. He previously practiced law with Wiggin & Dana, where he focused on health care, and served as director of federal relations at the Connecticut Hospital Association. He is chair of the steering committee of the New Haven Lead Safe Home and Community Health Project. A graduate of F&ES, he received his M.E.S. degree in 1991.
Needham received D.N.S. and M.S.N. degrees from Yale in 2001 and 1974, respectively. In her position at the Yale Lead Program, she provides care and case management for children with acute lead poisoning and for children with poorly controlled asthma. She also coordinates the educational services of the program, serving as an educational resource to staff and acting as a liaison for initiatives affecting policy and legislation pertaining to asthma and lead poisoning.
Members of the Yale and New Haven communities are welcome to attend. For information about the series, contact Gordon Geballe at (203) 432-5122 or gordon.geballe@yale.edu, or Colleen Murphy-Dunning at (203) 432-6570 or colleen.murphy-dunning@yale.edu.
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