"Metropolitan Orphans and Grassland Mothers: The Moral Economy of National Unity in the Northern Frontier of China"
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Seminar rm., ISPS. Uradyn Bulag, City Univ. of New York. Part of the Program in Agrarian Studies colloquium series.
"What We Know About Climate Change"
4 p.m. Peabody Museum. Prof. Karl Turekian. Admission: $5; $3 for children and seniors; free with valid Yale I.D. Info.: www.peabody.yale.edu.
"When Are Overnights Overmuch for
Young Children of Divorcing Parents?
Old Controversies and New Data"
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Rm. 211, Mason Laboratory. Yale Center in Child Development and
Social Policy talk by Marsha Kline Pruett. Info.: (203) 432-9935.
"Natural Development: Toward Creation
of a Code"
Noon. Bowers Aud., Sage Hall. Speaker TBA. Info.: (203) 432-6570. (Hixon Center for Urban Ecology)
"Wenzhang Zuofa: Essay Writing
as Education in 1930s China"
Noon. Rm. 211, HGS. The Council on East Asian Studies China Workshop with Prof. Charles Laughlin.
"Improving the Health of the Poor
in Developing Countries: Toward
a Renewed Global Response"
Noon-1 p.m. Rm. 115, LEPH. Robert Hecht, The World Bank.
"The Gentle Civilizer of Nations: The Rise and Fall of International Law 1870-1960"
12:30-2 p.m. Faculty lounge, SLB. Human Rights Workshop with Martti Koskeniemmi, counselor for legal affairs, Foreign Ministry of Finland and International Law Commission. (Orville H. Schell Jr. Center for International Human Rights)
Pre-Performance Lecture
7:20 p.m. Yale Rep. Amy Freed will discuss her play, "The Psychic Life of Savages." Open to all members of Friday evening's audience. Yale Rep's lounge opens at 7 p.m. Tickets for performances of the play: $25-$40; discounted rates are available for students, seniors and groups, and subscription packages are available. Info.: (203) 432-1234.
Black History Month Lecture
7:30 p.m. Battell Chapel. Danny Glover, actor and activist. Must have ticket to enter. Tickets: (203) 432-0740. (Calhoun College/Afro-American Cultural Center)
Saturday, Feb. 15
"Creed and Duplex: A Personal Inquiry
into New Haven Ancestry"
11 a.m. Peabody Museum. Ron Stickney. Admission: $5; $3 for children and seniors; free with valid Yale I.D. Info.: www.peabody.yale.edu.
"The Romantic Print in the Age
of Revolutions"
Noon. BAC. A Gallery Talk tour.
Monday, Feb. 17
"Indentity Politics and Multiculturalism: Recent Experimental Evidence"
Noon-1:30 p.m. ISPS. American Politics Seminar with Paul M. Sniderman, Stanford Univ. (ISPS)
"Destruction & Survival of Cultural Memory in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Images of Architectural Heritage in Stolac"
4 p.m. Rm. 211, LC. Amra Hadzimuhamedovic, commissioner, Preserve National Monuments in Bosnia and Herzegovina; historian of architecture and conservation architect. Refreshments will be served. (Council on European Studies at YCIAS)
"Victor Hugo and the 'Cause of Humanity': Translating Bug-Jargal (1826) Into the Slave King (1833)"
4 p.m. 3rd fl., Romance Languages Lounge, 82-90 Wall St. Chris Bongie, College of William and Mary. (French Dept.)
"'Quintessence Works a Hundred Times Better'... . Alchemy and the Medical Practitioner Before Paracelsus"
4:30 p.m. Location TBA. Workshop and Lecture in the History of Science and Medicine with Peter Jones, King's College, Cambridge, England.
"Bone Marrow Cell Therapy
for Multiple Sclerosis"
5:30 p.m. Beaumont Rm., SHM. Stem Cell Interest Group with Dr. Jeffrey Kocsis. Info. and reservations: rajesh.rao@yale.edu.
"Building the Transparent City"
6:30 p.m. Hastings Hall, A&A. Enrique Norten. (Sch. of Architecture)
Tuesday, Feb. 18
"California Lynch Law, 1848-1856:
Might of the Sovereign People'"
Noon-2 p.m. Faculty lounge, SLB. Legal History Forum with Andrea McDowell, Irving S. Ribicoff Research Fellow. Lunch will be provided. Reservations: rebecca.rix@yale.edu.
Political Theory Workshop
12:15-1:45 p.m. ISPS. Helmut Dubiel, New York Univ. (ISPS)
"French Letters"
12:30 p.m. BAC. Art in Context talk by Prof. Catherine Labio.
"Humanity Under Totalitarian Terror: Life, Culture and Politics Inside the Holocaust"
4 p.m. Rm. 208, WHC. Yale Review of Books Author's Tea. Prof. Benjamin Harshav, editor, will discuss Herman Kruk's book "The Last Days of the Jerusalem of Lithuania: Chronicles of Vilna Ghetto and Camps, 1939-1944." Tea will be served in the 2nd floor rotunda. (Whitney Humanities Center)
"George Eliot's Delicate Vessels"
4-5 p.m. Rm. 102, LC. Peter Brooks presents
the sixth DeVane Lecture in the series "Visions of the Real."
"Technology and the Contemporary American Strategic Dilemma"
4:30 p.m. Rm. 103, Luce Hall. International Security Studies Colloquium with Marcus Jones.
"From Opals to Optics: Building Photonic Materials from the Bottom Up"
4:30 p.m. Rm. 253, SCL. Vicki Colvin, Rice Univ. (Dept. of Chemistry)
"The Experience of Demons and Exorcism"
4:30 p.m. Lecture hall, Luce Hall. H.C. Erik Midelfort, Univ. of Virginia, will deliver the first of four Dwight H. Terry Lectures. Info.: www.yale.edu/terrylecture.
West Indian Dinner and Keynote Speaker
6 p.m. AACC. Roy Bryce-Laporte will deliver the keynote address. Info.: (203) 432-4131.
Wednesday, Feb. 19
"Confessions and the Central Park
Jogger Case: The Cataclysmic Fiction
of a Gang Rape"
12:15 p.m. Rm. 127, SLB. Jim Dwyer, reporter, The New York Times; author, "Actual Innocence." (Knight Journalism Fellows)
"A Musician Looks at Painting"
12:20 p.m. YUAG. Art à la carte by Prof. Willie Ruff.
"Multiscale Modeling of Gas Hydrate Systems"
4 p.m. Rm. 211, Mason Laboratory. Jeff Tester, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (Dept. of Chemical Engineering)
"YRG Care: Shaping the Response
to HIV/AIDS in India"
4-5 p.m. Rm. 115, LEPH. Dr. Suniti Solomon, director, Y.R. Gaitonde Medical Educational and Research Foundation, India. (Center for Interdiscliplinary Research on AIDS)
"Writing 'Lesbian Nation'"
4 p.m. Rm. 309, WLH. Jill Johnston, dance and performance critic; essayist; and feminist. (Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies/
Women's and Gender Studies Program)
"Programmable One-Pot
Saccharide Synthesis"
4 p.m. Rm. 110, SCL. Chi-Huey Wong, The Scripps Research Institute. (Dept. of Chemistry)
"Hair, Hegemony and Historiography: Caesar's Style and Its Earliest Critics"
4:30 p.m. Rm. 407, PH. Christina Kraus, Univ.
of Oxford and Institute for Advanced Study. (Dept. of Classics)
Master's Tea
4:30 p.m. Calhoun College master's tea. Leanne Howe, member, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma; author, playwright, scholar and teacher.
"Waging Neutrality on Multiple Fronts:
The Iroquois and Acadians Between
the Empires, 1744-1763"
4:30 p.m. Rm. 102, Luce Hall. International Security Studies Colloquium with Mark Robison, Univ. of Southern California and Jon Parmenter, Saint Lawrence Univ.
"Rethinking the 'Global': Environmental Conflict within Tanzania's Mafia Island Marine Park"
5 p.m. Bowers Aud., Sage Hall. Christine Walley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Part of the "Globalization and the Environment: International Agendas and Local Responses" lecture series. Info.: Amy Doolittle, (203) 432-3660.
"Race and Ethnicity in the U.S."
5-6 p.m. Rm. 119B, McDougal Center. A panel discussion with Prof. Curtis L. Patton, Liza Cariaga-Lo, Janice Pinkard and others. R.S.V.P.: oiss@yale.edu.
From Nu Guo to Nu'er Guo:
Negotiating Desire in Mosuo-land"
6 p.m. Rm. 203, Luce Hall. Eileen Walsh. An informal dinner will be served at 5 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 20
"Romantic Print in the Age of Revolutions"
11 a.m. BAC. Gallery Talk tour.
"Down by Law: Deconstruction
and the Problem of Justice"
4 p.m. WHC. The Baldwin-Dahl Memorial Lecture by Richard Wolin, City Univ. of New York. (Dept. of Comparative Literature)
Public Lecture
4 p.m. Aud., Luce Hall. Henry Smith, Columbia Univ.
"Measuring and Analyzing the Liberation
of Autocracy and the Consolidation of Democracy"
4-5:30 p.m. Rm. 107, Williams Hall, 80 Sachem St. Philippe Schmitter, European University Institute, Italy. Info.: www.yale.edu/ccr. (Center for Comparative Research)
"Enzymes for Synthesis and Inhibition"
4 p.m. Rm. 110, SCL. Chi-Huey Wong, The Scripps Research Institute. (Dept. of Chemistry)
"My War: A Memoir of a Survivor
of the Holocaust"
4-6 p.m. Joseph Slifka Center. Emeritus Prof. Edward Stankiewicz.
"Civil Society, Social Movements
and the Politics of HIV/AIDS in Brazil"
4:15-5:45 p.m. ISPS. Yale AIDS Colloquium Series with Richard Parker, Mailman Sch. of Public Health, Columbia Univ.
"Beauty as Consolation:
Creativity Out of Loss"
5 p.m. Beaumont Rm., SHM. Program for Humanities in Medicine with Mindy Weisel, Corcoran College of Art and Design.
"Social Capital and Economic Development"
5 p.m. GM Rm., SOM. Michael Woolcock, World Bank. Info.: ricardo.joseph@yale.edu.
5:30 p.m. McNeil Lecture Hall, YUAG. Richard Serra. Reservations required: kathleen.derringer@yale.edu.
Friday, Feb. 21
"Smuggler-Spies, Farmers and the State: Senegalese Black Markets in the Age
of Neoliberalism"
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Seminar rm., ISPS. Donna Perry, Western Oregon Univ. Part of the Program in Agrarian Studies.
"Head Start and Child Welfare: Collaborating for Children"
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Rm. 211, Mason Laboratory. Yale Center in Child Development and Social Policy talk by Patricia Doolan, director, Head Start; and Melita Joiner, supervisor, Dept. of Children and Families. Info.: (203) 432-9935.
"Milosevic in The Hague, The Politics
of War Crimes Tribunals"
12:30-2 p.m. Faculty lounge, SLB. Human Rights Workshop with Gary Bass, Center of International Studies, Princeton Univ. (Orville H. Schell Jr. Center for International Human Rights)
Master's Tea
2 p.m. Calhoun College master's house. Arianna Huffington, author, "Pigs at the Trough, How Corporate Greed and Political Corruption are Undermining America."
"Pigs at the Trough, How Corporate Greed and Political Corruption are Undermining America"
4 p.m. Rm. 102, LC. Arianna Huffington, author, will discuss her book. Book signing after talk.
"The Voice as an Image:
On the Genesis of Roar, China!"
4 p.m. Rm. 200, Old Art Gallery, 56 High St. Tang Xiaobing, Univ. of Chicago.
"FDR: Deceit and Triumph"
5 p.m. Historical Library, SHM. Dr. Steven Belinkie. (The Beaumont Medical Club)
"Louis Kahn and Yale: The History of the Yale Art Gallery's Landmark Building and Polshek and Partners Renovation Design"
5:30 p.m. McNeil Lecture Hall, YUAG. James Polshek. Reservations required: kathleen.derringer@yale.edu.
Saturday, Feb. 22
"Romantics and Revolutionaries: Regency Portraits from the National Gallery"
Noon. BAC. A Gallery Talk tour.
Sunday, Feb. 23
Pre-concert Lecture
12:15 p.m. BAC. Charles Rosen, musician, scholar and writer will give a lecture on Romanticism. Concert will follow at 3:30 p.m.
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Stamp honors legendary Yale football coach
New test proves better than SAT at predicting college success
Peers and players applaud Meredith's winning ways
CBS executive talks about TV news in 'a world of infinite choice'
Event highlights alternative approaches to law
School of Architecture exhibit showcases design team's work
Katz and Katz bringing talents to Kramer Initiative programs
Terry Lectures examine human quest to exorcise 'demons'
Production of rarely seen play celebrates expatriates' collaboration
Yale physician contributes to artist's show linking art and science
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