Rick Antle, the newly appointed William S. Beinecke Professor of Accounting, is the senior associate dean at the Yale School of Management (SOM) and an expert on such topics as auditor independence, the economics of accounting firms, and managerial compensation and performance evaluation.
Antle's other areas of research include auditors' incentives, revenue recognition, capital investment decisions and transfer pricing. His current research is in the areas of audit fees, fees for non-audited services and financial reporting.
Antle was quoted extensively in the national media about issues of accounting and auditing during the collapse of the energy giant Enron and for a study he published which concluded that auditing is more profitable than consulting. He has been a consultant to all of the so-called "Big Five" accounting firms in America -- PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Ernst & Young, KPMG, Arthur Andersen and Deloitte & Touche -- as well as to Reuters, General Motors Corporation, Monsanto,Chase-Manhattan Bank and the Union Pacific Railroad Company, among other companies.
Antle is the co-author, with SOM professor Stanley J. Garstka, of "Financial Accounting," a textbook used at all levels, including executive programs, for the first course in accounting. He has also written numerous articles.
The Yale professor has served since 1998 as director of LECG, Inc., an economic consulting services firm, and was an affiliate of the company 1994-1998.
A graduate of Oklahoma State University, Antle earned his Ph.D. in business from Stanford University. He taught at the University of Chicago before joining the Yale faculty in 1985 as an associate professor. He was promoted to a full professorship in 1989 and was named senior associate dean of SOM in 1999. He has twice held joint appointments to teach at the Law School.
Antle was the 2002 Emanuel Saxe Distinguished Lecturer in Accounting at Baruch College, and was a Distinguished Lecturer at the Second Doctoral Consortium of the Chinese Accounting Professor Association in Guangzhou, China, in 1997. He has been a visiting professor at Washington University.
Antle's honors include being named the Oklahoma State University Accountant (Educator) of the Year in 1991. He is a member of the American Accounting Association and the Econometric Society. He serves on the editorial boards of Review of Accounting Studies, British Accounting Review and the Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting.
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