Yale students, staff and faculty can help in the effort to build a "City of Readers" by donating new or gently used books for young people to the Yale-United Way Day of Caring Book Drive.
The books will be distributed free of charge throughout the Greater New Haven area in classrooms, homeless shelters, camps and day care centers as well as at special events.
Donations may be dropped off Sept. 8-19 in the designated boxes at all Yale libraries and residential colleges, as well as at the McDougal Center in the Hall of Graduate Studies, 320 York St.; University Commons, corner of College and Grove streets; and the Yale University Health Center, 17 Hillhouse Ave.
The book drive is sponsored by the United Way of Greater New Haven, Yale University and New Haven Reads. Claudia Merson of Yale's Office of New Haven Affairs and Chris Alexander of the New Haven Reads Community Book Bank are leading the project.
For further information, call (203) 752-1923 or visit the website at www.cityofnewhaven.com/library/nhreads/bookbank.htm.
W E E K ' S

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