President Richard C. Levin and Provost Susan Hockfield will preside over a groundbreaking ceremony for the Yale Engineering Research Building, corner of Prospect and Trumbull streets, on Thursday, Dec. 11, at 11 a.m.
The building will house laboratory and research facilities for biomedical engineering, Yale's newest department. Part of the University's $500 million commitment to science and engineering, the 59,372-square-foot structure is the first new engineering building at Yale in over 30 years and is made possible by the generous gifts of John Malone, the chair of Liberty Media Corporation and a 1963 graduate of Yale's engineering program, who is known for his pioneering role in communications media.
"We in Engineering are doubly delighted on this occasion, as it represents not only the first major physical embodiment of President Levin's firm commitment to outstanding Engineering at Yale, but also symbolizes the birth of our new Biomedical Engineering Department, which will be housed in this magnificent building," says Yale Engineering Dean Paul Fleury.
In their design for the building, Cesar Pelli and Associates sought to combine beauty and functionality in a unique manner and to make the most of the challenges posed by the building's site and position.
"This new facility will provide Yale students and faculty with unprecedented opportunities for study and research at the leading edge of one of the most exciting and societally important fields in all of science and engineering," said Fleury. "We are very grateful for the generous gift from John Malone, one of our most successful alumni ever."
Biomedical engineering has existed at Yale as an interdisciplinary program at both the undergraduate and graduate levels since 1998. The new Department of Biomedical Engineering was formed in July and is chaired by Mark Saltzman. It is a tightly-integrated program composed of researchers from both the Faculty of Engineering and the School of Medicine. The department aims to educate students in this field of study and to develop bioengineering and bioimaging technologies that link advances in molecular biology, cellular biology and human physiology to the clinical environment. To accomplish this mission, the department hosts research projects in biomedical imaging, biomechanics and biomolecular engineering.
Yale biomedical engineering is in the process of expanding faculty size. Students can select research projects that combine engineering and clinical medicine to address a range of important problems with direct impact on human health care such as the design of biomaterials for tissue engineering, the use of drug delivery systems to treat cancer, the development of protein-array microchips and MEMS biosensors, the analysis of mechanisms of blood flow control, and the use of integrated anatomical and functional imaging to guide neurosurgical procedures.
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