The treatment of cardiovascular disease, the nation's obesity crisis and the emerging voices of nurses in the political arena are among the topics that Yale's medical, public health and nursing alumni will consider when they return to campus for their reunion programs the first weekend in June.
The School of Medicine's program began on Thursday, June 3, with the ninth annual Yale Surgical Society Spring Reunion, featuring a session on "The Surgeon as Writer." The speakers were Dr. Sherwin Nuland, clinical professor of surgery, ("How We Die"); former Yale faculty member Dr. Richard A. Selzer ("Letters to a Young Doctor"); and New Haven surgeon Dr. Bernie Siegel ("Love, Medicine and Miracles").
On Friday, June 4, alumni can learn about the latest developments in the treatment of heart and blood vessel disorders at a scientific program titled "Cardiovascular Disease: From Bedside to Bench and Back Again," part of the school's Continuing Medical Education program. The session will be led by Dr. Richard P. Lifton, Sterling Professor and chair of genetics, professor of medicine and of molecular biophysics and biochemistry, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. A reception and New England clambake will also highlight the day's activities.
The program on Saturday, June 5, will feature another scientific symposium: "Bioethics in the 21st Century: Contributions of the Alumni/ae, Faculty and Students of the Yale University School of Medicine." The presenters will be Dr. Thomas P. Duffy, professor of medicine and director of the Program for Humanities in Medicine; Rupali Gandhi, a former Yale law student who received his M.D. this year; Tia Powell '87 M.D., executive director of the New York State Task Force on Life & the Law; and Philip R. Reilly '81 M.D., chief executive officer and chair of the board of Interleukin Genetics Inc. The session will be moderated by Dr. Robert J. Levine, co-chair of the executive committee of the Yale Interdisciplinary Project in Bioethics; director of law, policy and ethics at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS; professor of medicine; and lecturer in pharmacology.
Distinguished Alumni Service Awards will also be presented on Saturday at the annual meeting of the Association of Yale Alumni in Medicine.
For further information about the reunion program, contact Sharon R. McManus at or (203) 785-4674.
Public health
"Obesity and Public Health: The Shape of Things To Come" is the theme of a workshop being presented on Saturday, June 5, by the Association of Yale Alumni in Public Health (AYAPH).
The session, to be held at the New Haven Lawn Club, is part of AYAPH's multi-year series "Public Health Challenges of the 21st Century."
Kelly D. Brownell, professor and chair of psychology and director of the Yale Center for Eating and Weight Disorders, will present the keynote address, "The Global Obesity Crisis: Failures in Personal Responsibility or National Policies?" In his talk, Brownell will consider the causes of the worldwide obesity epidemic, discuss the way science is used (and mis-used) for political purposes and propose public policy solutions.
This will be followed by a panel titled "Obesity: Is There a Public Health Agenda?" featuring faculty and alumni who are working on finding solutions to the obesity epidemic. Participants will include Loretta DiPietro, associate professor of epidemiology and public health; Dr. David L. Katz, associate clinical professor of epidemiology and public health and director of the Yale/Griffin Prevention Research Center; Susan Taylore Mayne, associate professor of epidemiology and public health; and Marlene B. Schwartz, associate research scientist in psychology and co-director of the Yale Center for Eating and Weight Disorders. The moderator will be Dr. Michael H. Owens, president of VISTA Health Systems.
The program will also include a special luncheon address on "Obesity and Public Health" by Dr. J. Michael McGinnis, senior vice president of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and former assistant surgeon general and deputy assistant secretary for health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
For further information about the program, contact Dawn Carroll at or (203) 785-6245.
The celebration of a milestone, the presentation of a new award for students and a session on "Shaping Nurses' Political Voice" will highlight the Yale School of Nursing's (YSN) reunion program.
On Thursday, June 3, the recipients of the schools first annual Creative Writing Awards presented their winning entries. The award was established last year to honor students' artistic achievements, including writing, poetry and drawing.
The activities on Friday, June 4, will include panels on three areas of nursing: practice, teaching and research. Betty Nelson, associate dean of clinical affairs, will moderate the "Excellence in Practice" panel, which will feature two alumnae: Karin Nystrom '95 M.S.N., describing "A Day in the Life of an ER Nurse"; and Sharing Rising '67 M.S.N., speaking on "Centering Pregnancy." The second panel, "Excellence in Teaching," will feature a presentation titled "Composing the Road Through Nursing: Lessons Learned" by Linda Pellico '89 M.S.N., lecturer in nursing. The final session, "Excellence in Research," will be moderated by Kathy Knaff, acting associate dean of academic affairs; among the featured speakers will be Robin Whittemore, associate research scientist at YSN.
This year, YSN is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its Delta Mu Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, the honor society of nursing. To mark the occasion, the school will dedicate the Delta Mu Chapter Room on Friday. Also that afternoon, Dean Catherine L. Gilliss will present a "State of the School Address."
On Saturday, June 5, a panel titled "Shaping Nurses' Political Voice" will bring together Congresswoman Lois Capps of California, an R.N. and Divinity School graduate who co-chairs the Congressional Nursing Caucus; Barbara Blakeney, president of the American Nurses Association; and Sally Cohen '80 M.S.N., associate professor and director of the YSN Center for Health Policy and Ethics. The discussion will be moderated by Linda Spoonster Schwartz '84 M.S.N., commissioner of Veterans Affairs for the State of Connecticut and associate research scientist at YSN.
For further information about the reunion program, call (203) 737-5678.
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