Course of Study
Robert Harms, Chair
Joseph Gordon, Vice Chair
Judith Calvert, Secretary to the Chair, ex officio
Stephen Lassonde, Recording Secretary
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Judith Hackman, ex officio
Matthew Jacobson
Dianne Jonas
Lawrence King
Christina Moreiras-Menor
Harold Scheffler
Patrick Vaccaro
Jerry Woodall
David Wu
Meghan Casey '02
Nicholas Degani '03
Raul Ruiz '03
Teaching and Learning
Charles Bailyn, Chair
Paul McKinley, Secretary
Kathryn Alexander
Edward Kairiss, ex officio
Christy Marshuetz
John Meeske, ex officio
Scott Strobel
Charles Forelle '02
Marissa Leung '02
Noam Schimmel '02
Honors and Academic atanding
Mark Schenker, Chair
Hugh Flick, Secretary
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Stephen Colvin
Robert Crabtree
Elizabeth Dillon
Ingeborg Glier
Barry Kane, ex officio
Elizabeth Smiley '02
Yanev Suissa '02
Executive Committee
Margaret Riley, Chair
Langdon Hammer, Factfinder
Jill Cutler, Secretary
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Richard Casten
Roberta Frank
Nadine George-Graves
John Lapinski
Susan Sawyer
Brian Scholl
Lorraine Siggins, M.D.
Betty Trachtenberg
John Wood
Nana Asafu-Agyei '02
Paige Herwig '02
Jack Rubin '02
Richard Brodhead, Chair
Keith Wrightson, Secretary
Jennifer Baszile
Timothy Guinnane
Andrew Hamilton
John Hartigan
Mary Miller
John MacKay
Timothy Nelson
Linda Peterson
Robert Schoelkopf
Teaching in the Residential Colleges
Paul Fry, Chair
Christa Dove, Vice-Chair
Joseph Gordon
Janet Henrich
George Levesque
Ellen Lust-Okar
Nicole Parisier
Richard Schottenfeld
David Watts
Kariann Yokota
Sarah Marcus '03
Margaret Sherriffs '02
Executive Committee on Programs in the Humanities
Maria Rosa Menocal, Chair [Spring]
Steven Smith, Acting Chair [Fall]
Howard Bloch
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
David Bromwich
Mark Burde
Michael Della Rocca
Maria Georgopoulou
Joseph Gordon
Diana Kleiner
Jane Levin
Ivan Marcus
Annabel Patterson
Gabriel Richardson
Howard Stern
Lloyd Suttle
Norma Thompson
Frank Turner
Christopher Wood
Grievance Board for Student Complaints of Sexual Harassment
Peter Parker, Convenor
Christos Cabolis
Binnie Klein
Janet Pan
Betty Trachtenberg
Janine Hoitt '02
Dana Peck '02
Stephanie Schmid '02
Brian Yolles '02
Undergraduate Organizations
Betty Trachtenberg, Chair
Philip Greene, Secretary
Thomas Duffy
Harvey Goldblatt
Edgar Letriz
John Meeske
Nicole Parisier
Susan Sawyer
Mukul Bakhshi '02
Serge Grossman '03
Meredith Whipple '03
Environmental Studies Advisory
Mary Helen Goldsmith, Chair
Roger Ely
Robert Evenson
Daniel Kevles
Jeffrey Park
Oswald Schmitz
J. Gustave Speth
Stephen Stearns
Steven Stoll
Karl Turekian
John Wargo
Harvey Weiss
Economic Status of the Faculty
A. Douglas Stone, Chair
David Austin
Dirk Bergemann
Thomas Brooks, ex officio
Kang-i Sun Chang
John Goldin, ex officio
Hilary Fink Kawall
Enrique Mayer
Special Students Advisory
Jean-Christophe Agnew, Chair
Saveena Dhall,
Diana Cooke
Robert Crabtree
Judith Cushingham
Joseph Gordon
Cynthia Russett
Betty Trachtenberg
Ethics, Politics & Economics Advisory
Ian Shapiro, Chair
Arun Agrawal
Seyla Benhabib
John Geanakoplos
Roger Gould
Shelly Kagan
Ellen Lust-Okar
Benjamin Polak
Mathias Risse
Social Sciences
Susan Hockfield, Chair
Alvin Klevorick, Director
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Donald Brown
Richard Burger
Paul Gilroy [fall]
Louis Goldstein
David Pollard
Stephen Skowronek
Keith Wrightson
Karen Wynn
Physical Sciences & Engineering
Susan Hockfield, Chair
Steven Zucker, Director
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Ronald Coifman [spring}
Menachem Elimelech [spring]
Joan Feigenbaum
John Geanakoplos
John Harris
Roger Howe [fall]
Richard Larson
Peter Moore
Jeffrey Park
Daniel Prober [fall]
Mitchell Smooke
Biological sciences
David Kessler, MD, Chair
H. Kim Bottomly, Director
Norma Andrews
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Daniel DiMaio
Susan Hockfield, ex officio
Leonard Kaczmarek
Lynne Regan
Frank Ruddle
Gerald Shulman, MD
Stephen Stearns
John Wood
Susan Hockfield, Chair
Howard Bloch, Director [fall]
Rolena Adorno [fall]
Dudley Andrew [spring]
Paul Bloom
Richard Brodhead, ex officio
Wai Chee Dimock
Roberta Frank
James Hepokoski [spring]
Dale Martin [spring]
Leon Plantinga [fall]
Stuart Schwartz
John Treat
Mimi Yiengpruksawan
Term appointments
Richard Brodhead, Chair
Dirk Bergemann
Susanna Braund [spring]
Xing-Wang Deng
Susan Hockfield ex officio
Gilbert Joseph
Nicholas Read
John Walz
David Watts
Committees appointed by the President of the University
Committees appointed by the Dean of Yale College
Committees appointed by the Provost of the University
Committees appointed by the Vice President and Secretary of the University
Committees appointed by the Vice President for Finance and Administration
W E E K ' S

Grant to aid development of gene therapy for Parkinson's

Alumni elect new trustee

Historian Blight to direct Gilder-Lehrman Center

Student's 'Ride to Endure' will raise funds for cancer group


Library acquires papers of famed poet Joseph Brodsky

IN FOCUS: F&ES-Anthropology Combined Degree

Troup students creating own plays in Drama School program


Committee reviewing employee health benefits . . .

Orchestral movement: Shinik Hahm leaving post . . .

Ranis and Hathaway to research international topics as Carnegie Scholars

I. Richard Savage dies; noted for applying statistics to public policys

Sundance Lab director named interim head of playwriting department

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