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In the News X
"I would argue that [political conventions'] theater
and stagecraft are part of the point, that they're fun, and that they're intrinsic to politics."
-- David Greenberg, lecturer in the Department
of Political Science, "What Are Conventions for, Anyway?" Christian Science Monitor, July 26, 2004.
"Research has shown that actual analyses of the language of e-mail do document that it does have many speech-like features that we, in fact, in the past, tended to associate with conversation. ... [This includes] the use of slang and lots of run-on sentences with dot, dot, dot in between them, almost like a stream of consciousness, instead of carefully formed, syntactically beautiful sentences with periods at the end of them."
-- Brenda Danet, research affiliate in the Department of Anthropology, "CNN Money Morning," CNNfn, July 13, 2004.
"I suspect that young children do learn from society around them, from elders, from the media. They take their cues from that, that's for sure. I think what they can also learn from the various scandals we've seen -- whether its baseball players or Martha Stewart -- is that lying does have consequences. Even lies that initially may seem innocent or helpful. That sooner or later there's a consequence to the lie that others might be injured or one's self."
-- David Miller, executive director of the Center for Faith & Culture at the Divinity School, "Lies: White, Gray, and Criminal: Does Everyone Do It?" CNNfn, July 19, 2004.
"You have to treat [concrete] like the icing on the cake, because that's what it will become."
-- Deborah Berke, adjunct professor of architecture, about the use of the material in architecture, "Concrete Is Learning New Tricks, Like Letting in the Light," The New York Times, Aug. 10, 2004.
"NASA is now thinking about a flight to Mars, maybe to the moon first. And plans are to send women, as well as men, on these wonderfully new adventures. It means women are now treated as adults. And they are -- they know that there's danger. They know that there's risk. Going into space is not like riding a car on the freeway. And as adults, women, like men, are free to make these choices, that the risk is worth it."
-- Bettyann Kevles, lecturer in history, "Men On The Moon: But What About Women Astronauts?" CNNfn, July 20, 2004.
"Emotions contain data about ourselves, other people and the world around us. To misperceive an emotion, to fail to understand its causes and to ignore the wisdom of feelings is unintelligent and maladaptive."
-- David R. Caruso, research affiliate in the Department of Psychology, on the virtues of "emotional intelligence," "Emotional Learning Makes Them Smarter," The Australian, Aug. 2, 2004.
"[With limitless funds,] a house becomes all about using the most expensive wood you can find. A tight budget will force you to be more inventive. And invention is, of course, more interesting."
-- Michael Robert Haverland, adjunct assistant professor at the School of Architecture, "The House That Homework Built," The New York Times, Aug. 5, 2004.
"The World Bank ... has gotten itself also heavily involved in every single issue of development and has lost a bit of its focus. ... Right now you have a kind of system where you pound the table early in the year and you give the money anyway, because you want to keep lending which leads to a kind of ritual dance which goes on every single year."
-- Gustav Ranis, the Frank Altschul Professor of International Economics, on the need for reforms at the World Bank, "Ready to Retire at 60? As IMF and World Bank Hit Milestone, Their Relevance Is Questioned," National Post's Financial Post & FP Investing (Canada), July 22, 2004.
"There are now ensembles, rock bands and electric canned music [in churches], as opposed to a real person playing a breathing instrument. Many organs are going unused. It's a great tragedy to think of these magnificent organs being sold off because of a lack of interest."
-- Margot Fassler, the Robert S. Tangeman Professor of Music History and director of the Institute of Sacred Music, "A Sacred Sound May Fall Silent; Churches Struggle to Find Organists as Instrument's Popularity Declines," The Washington Post, Aug. 1, 2004.
"Bad things happen. Sometimes doctors do all the right things and the results are still tragic. Juries don't understand."
-- Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology, on why medical experts, rather than juries, should oversee cases of suspected malpractices, "Baby Blues; Noted OB-GYN Can't Afford to Stay in Business," New Haven Register, Aug. 8, 2004.
"Baby boomers are leaving the child-bearing age group. Most are reaching menopause rather than actively having children."
-- Dr. Joshua A. Copel, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and of pediatrics, "A Journal for Women Pregnant Later in Life," The New York Times, Aug. 2, 2004.
"There is good evidence that [the mosquito species] An. gambiae is repeatedly being transported to various regions of the world, but it has not established a sustainable population. For example, 'airport malaria' is well-known at major airports in Europe that have direct flights from Africa; residents who live in the vicinity of these airports, but who have not traveled to a malaria endemic country, occasionally contract malaria."
-- Jeffrey R. Powell, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, and Mario Coluzzi, on the danger that disease-carrying mosquitoes will be imported into the United States, in their article "Is Anopheles Gambiae Plotting an Escape?" The International Herald Tribune, July 21, 2004.
"When we hear specific threats [of suspected terrorist plots], it gives us a cue, some information to focus on. Unless we work at the buildings or have loved ones who do, that information should actually lower anxiety."
-- Dr. Andy Morgan, psychiatrist at the Connecticut Mental Health Center, "As Public Adjusts to Threat, Alerts Cause Less Unease," The New York Times, Aug. 3, 2004.
"[African Americans] are worse off than we were before Brown v. Board. And a large part of the reason for this is that we have abandoned our own black traditional core values, values that sustained us through slavery and Jim Crow segregation."
-- Dr. James Comer, the Maurice Falk Professor of Child Psychiatry, "Breaking the Silence," The New York Times, Aug. 1, 2004.
"The irrationality of [the emotion of] disgust suggests it is unreliable as a source of moral insight. There may be good arguments against gay marriage, partial-birth abortions and human cloning, but the fact that some people find such acts to be disgusting should carry no weight."
-- Paul Bloom, professor of psychology and linguistics, in his article "To Urgh Is Human; Disgust Is an Adaptation for Survival But What Is the Point of It Now, Asks Paul Bloom," The Guardian (London),
July 22, 2004.
"The idea [behind the decision to invade Iraq], quite simply, was to frighten any state that might, in the future, be harboring terrorists. It's like the parking sign that Mayor Koch used to put up around New York. Remember those? 'Don't even think of parking here.' Don't even think of harboring terrorists."
-- John Lewis Gaddis, the Robert A. Lovett Professor of Military and Naval History, "Kill the Empire! (Or Not)," The New York Times, July 25, 2004.
"We live in a 21st century economy dominated by two-earner families. Yet, social protections for working Americans have changed remarkably little since the mid-20th century -- and, when they have changed, they have usually been cut, not expanded."
-- Jacob Hacker, the Peter Strauss Family Assistant Professor of Political Science, in his article "False Positive," The New Republic, Aug. 16, 2004.
"Intelligence collection and analysis is a very imperfect business. Refusal to face this reality has produced the almost laughable contradiction of the Senate Intelligence Committee criticizing the Bush administration for acting on third-rate intelligence, even as the 9/11 Commission criticizes it for not acting on third-rate intelligence."
-- Charles Hill, lecturer in international affairs and distinguished fellow in international security studies, in his article "Commissionism," The Wall Street Journal, July 23, 2004.
"Auctions have been around a lot longer than the Internet (or search engines). People go to them, as in the arts and antiques markets, hoping to find bargains. Getting bargains, however, isn't so easy. As I teach my M.B.A. students, bidding in auctions is a tricky business. If you bid too low, you might not win. And if you do win, it's likely that you bid too high. That's known as the winner's curse."
-- Barry Nalebuff, the Milton Steinbach Professor of Management, on Google's decision to hold an auction for its IPO, in his article "Going Once? Going Twice? Let It Go ...," The Washington Post, Aug. 8, 2004.