PULSE features literary, artistic works with theme of medicine
The Humanities in Medicine Program is launching a new journal designed to recognize the interplay between the scientific and the creative in the world of medicine.
Titled PULSE, the journal will feature poetry, prose works, photography and artwork created by members of the Yale Medical Center community and beyond.
According to the organizers, "The aim of the Program for the Humanities in Medicine and this journal is to explore, celebrate and inculcate humanistic values in the principles and practice of medicine. It is our belief that the arts and humanities provide fertile grounding for health care professionals, balancing the 'science' of medicine with its 'art' of caring for patients, families and each other."
In order to represent a broad cross-section of the medical community, the journal is seeking submissions from faculty and staff, both clinical and non-clinical; students in the health sciences of medicine, nursing, and epidemiology and public health; patients and their families; and volunteers. Although it is expected that some aspect of medicine will provide the subject for most entries, submissions may include other topics. No portion of the journal will be reproduced by any process without the consent of the author.
Entries must be original work not published previously in any form, and can include short prose works, poetry, drawings and photography. Poetry and prose should be titled and typed on white 8.5" x 11" paper or submitted electronically in a standard word processing format. Photographs and drawings should be black and white and ideally no larger than 8.5" x 11". Those submitting artwork can send slides, digital photographs or digital files, which should be labeled.
All material should be clearly identified with the name of the person submitting the work address, telephone number and e-mail address, as well as the title of the work(s). All submissions should include a stamped self-addressed envelope. Non-electronic submissions should be sent by U.S. mail to: Sally S. Bailey, 35 No. Forest Circle, West Haven, CT 06516; electronic submissions should be sent to deborah.finger@yale.edu. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, March 1.
For more information, call (203) 785-4744.
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