Yale Bulletin and Calendar

March 18, 2005|Volume 33, Number 22















Bulletin Board

Spring walking program

The Office of Health Promotion and Education at University Health Services and the Department of Athletics are co-sponsoring their annual spring walking program, titled "Work Together, Walk Together."

The five-week series will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning Tuesday, March 22, at 12:10 p.m. at 17 Hillhouse Ave. Participants are encouraged to walk at their own pace. The sessions will meet rain or shine, and are free and open to the Yale community. No registration is required.

For more information, call (203) 432-1892.

Reviews for potential art majors

Reviews for sophomores who are interested in becoming art majors will be held Wednesday and Thursday, April 6 and 7.

The reviews will be conducted 9 a.m.-noon and 1:30-5:30 p.m. in Rm. GO-2 at the School of Art, Green Hall, 1156 Chapel St. Interested students must sign up in Rm. 122 of the School of Art building, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, call Nancy Keramas at (203) 432-2608.

Prize essays

Applications are now being accepted for the Jacob Cooper Prize and the Alice Derby Lang Prize.

The Departments of Classics and Philosophy jointly award the Cooper Prize to the resident undergraduate or graduate student who presents the best essay in Greek philosophy. The Lang Prize will be awarded to the student or students, undergraduate or graduate, who presents the best essay in ancient literature or history of art. The examiners may choose to award one undergraduate and one graduate prize.

Applicants must submit three copies of their essays. Submissions should be unbound, omitting any internal reference to the submitter's name. Two versions of the title pages are required, one copy with the author's name and two copies without the author's name. Submissions may not exceed 30 pages and should be sent to the Department of Classics, 402 Phelps Hall, 344 College St., no later than noon on Monday, April 11.

YUWO events

The Yale University Women's Organization will sponsor two lecture series this spring.

The third lecture in the "Lunch and Learn" series will be given by Patricia Miranda, a student at the Law School and a medal winner for wrestling in the 2004 Summer Olympics. Miranda will speak on "My Journey to Athens" at noon on Tuesday, March 22, in the Saybrook College master's house, 90 High St. It is free and open to the public. Attendees may bring a bag lunch; coffee and dessert will be provided. For more information, call (203) 624-6684.

YUWO's "Spring Lecture Series" will be given by Steven Anderson, who teaches piano and music history at the Neighborhood Music School. Titled "The Magic of Great Opera," the series will examine operas from the early 17th to the early 20 centuries. The four lectures will be held on consecutive Wednesdays, beginning on March 23, in Rm. 119 of the Hall of Graduate Studies, 320 York St. Each lecture will be delivered 10:30-11:30 a.m. The fee for the series is $35 and registration may be made at the first lecture. The lectures are open to YUWO members and their guests. For more information, call (203) 562-2894.

Porter and Field prizes

The Office of the Secretary is accepting applications for two university-wide prizes: the Porter Prize and the Field Prize.

Competition for these prizes is open to all students enrolled at Yale for a degree.

The John Addison Porter Prize is awarded for a work of scholarship in any field in which it is possible, through original effort, to gather and relate facts and/or principles and to make the product of general human interest. The Kingsley Trust Association (The Scroll and Key Society) established the award in 1872 in honor of the late professor Porter, who received a bachelor's degree from Yale in 1842.

The Theron Rockwell Field Prize, established in 1957 by Emilia R. Field in memory of her husband, an 1889S graduate of Yale, is awarded for a "poetic, literary or religious work" of scholarship.

Entries must be submitted before 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 7, to Barbara Mordecai, Office of the Secretary, 393 Prospect St., Suite 010. For more information, call (203) 432-2311 or visit the website at www.yale.edu/secretary/prizes.

5K Walk/Run for Education

The Yale chapter of ASHA for Education will host its second annual 5K Walk/Run for Education on Saturday, April 23.

The event will take place at East Rock Park, corner of Orange and Cold Spring streets, beginning at 9: 30 a.m.

All proceeds will go to the long-term support of selected education projects in tsunami-affected areas of India.

ASHA for Education is a secular organization dedicated to improving basic education for underprivileged children in India.

For more information, visit the web site at www.yale.edu/asha.


Financial burden for lower-income families eliminated

Professor created 'Science Saturdays' series to fuel flame . . .

Holloway named next master of Calhoun College

Campus-wide survey begins on March 21

David Leffell is appointed deputy dean for clinical affairs

Music school dean will leave to assume SMU post

Bloom to be honored with Hans Christian Andersen Award

Experiment demonstrates that monkeys have the ability to reason . . .

Researchers identify gene for age-related macular degeneration

Online auction will benefit Dwight Hall

Passion and ambition take center stage in 'Miss Julie'

School of Drama will present Ibsen's tragedy 'Hedda Gabler'

Internationally renowned architect Frank Gehry will visit the campus . . .

'The Physical Print' traces evolution of photographic process

Noted child psychiatrist will deliver inaugural Albert J. Solnit Lecture

Celebrated poet and renowned novelist are next Schlesinger Visiting Writers

In Memoriam: Jacques Guicharnaud, French theater scholar . . .

Nelson to head playwriting department

Yale editor Nayan Chanda earns Shorenstein Award for Journalism

Kiger will join artistic staff at Yale Rep

Library conference will explore preservation of global collections

Dr. James Comer to discuss future of public education

Bookbags and 'Schooliosis'

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