 | Al Franken interviews Law School dean Harold Koh about the Bush administration's positions on torture and the treatment of terrorism suspects.
Woolsey Hall Live
Several hundred people filled Woolsey Hall to watch a live broadcast of "The Al Franken Show" on Nov. 14. Franken, a satirist and one of the original writers of "Saturday Night Live," interviewed Law School dean Harold Koh about the Bush administration's positions on torture and the treatment of terrorism suspects. Other Yale guests on the national radio show were Law School professors Anne Alstott and Michael J. Graetz and School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Dean Gus Speth. U.S. Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) also made a brief appearance.
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 Woolsey Hall Live

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 Six members of the engineering faculty win awards . . .

 Students will vie in simulated court cases . . .

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