Joel M. Podolny, who recently began his term as the new dean of the School of Management (SOM), has yet another new Yale title: the William Beinecke Professor of Management. (See related story.)
Podolny came to Yale from Harvard University, where he was the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management and director of research at the Harvard Business School.
He is best known for applying the sociological concept of status to the study of market competition, having examined status dynamics in a wide variety of industries including investment banking, semiconductors and venture capital. Podolny is also known for work in which he brings a social network perspective to the study of individual mobility within organizations.
Podolny's research on market status has appeared in leading sociology and organization journals. This fall, his book "Status Signals: A Sociological Study of Market Competition" will be published by Princeton University Press. He is the co-author (with economists Garth Saloner and Andrea Shepard) of the textbook "Strategic Management" and has authored or co-authored more than a dozen business cases.
Podolny is currently transforming into book form the Clarendon Lectures in Management he delivered at Oxford University's Said School of Business in 2004. The book will be published by Oxford University Press.
The new SOM dean earned his bachelor's degree and doctorate in sociology from Harvard. He taught at the Stanford Graduate School of Business for 11 years before joining the Harvard Business School faculty in 2002. At Stanford, he served as senior associate dean for academic affairs and was head of the school's organizational behavior group. He has been the director of doctoral programs in organizational behavior at both Stanford and Harvard, and has been a faculty director or chair of numerous executive education programs.
Podolny has served on the editorial boards of the American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, and Industrial and Corporate Change. He recently concluded a term as a board member of National Arts Strategies, a non-profit organization focused on nationwide leadership development in the arts, and currently serves on the technical advisory board of Spoke Software.
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