Peter A. Swenson, newly named as the Charlotte Marion Saden Professor of Political Science, specializes in the comparative economy of labor markets and social welfare in Europe and the United States.
Swenson is the author of "Capitalists against Markets: The Making of Labor Markets and Welfare States in the United States and Sweden" (2002), which won honorable mention for the 2004 Political Science/Luebbert Prize for best book in comparative politics, and "Fair Shares: Unions, Pay and Politics in Sweden and West Germany" (1989). He is currently working on two books, "The Political Transformation of Medicine: Organized Medicine and Medical Disorder in America" and "Capital, Labor and Medicine: The Political Transformation of Medicine in Germany." Both will analyze the shifting interests and coalitions of organized provider, business and labor groups in the evolution of national health care systems, focusing particularly on the political hazards in trying simultaneously to achieve greater quality, economy and equality, which are "three mutually coflictive goals of health care policy," according to Swenson.
Swenson's article on "Varieties of Capitalist Interests: Power, Institutions and Welfare State Formation in Sweden and the United States," published in the spring 2004 issue of Studies in American Political Development, won the 2005 American Political Science/Mary Parker Follett Prize for best article on politics and history. His other published pieces include a section on Sweden in the textbook "Comparative Governance." He has presented numerous talks and papers at professional meetings and conferences, as well as at universities.
At Yale, Swenson teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on such topics as "The Rise and Fall of Democracies," "Business and the Welfare State," "Politics of Health Care," "European Socialism and Labor Movements" and the "Political Economy of Industrial Societies," among others. He joined the Yale faculty in 2003 and has chaired the Department of Political Science since 2005. Prior to coming to Yale, he taught at Northwestern University and the University of Pennsylvania.
Swenson earned his B.A. from Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and his Ph.D. from Yale (1986). He has received numerous grants for field and archival research, including awards from the Yale Center for International and Area Studies, the American Scandinavian Foundation, the Hagley Museum and Library, and the German Marshall Fund of the United States. He also received support from the American Philosophical Society for a yearlong sabbatical to conduct research on the history and political economy of health care in Sweden.
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