Visiting on Campus
There was no Visiting on Campus section in this week's issue.
T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 Noted critic and artist Robert Storr named next dean of School of Art

Two faculty receive prestigious prizes
 Brothers' gift to renovate site of their former athletic glory

 Yale licenses ovarian cancer test technology to LabCorp

 Gallery acquires rare painting by Yale-educated artist

 Yale donates important set of books to the British Parliament

 William Clyde DeVane Medals are awarded to two scientists

 Ignorance of world news could imperil the nation, says journalist

 Event explored 'Youth and the Future of U.S.-Islamic Relations'

 Doll exhibition marks Japanese celebration of 'Girls Day'

 Museum hosting talk on Connecticut day trips, annual 'Fiesta Latina'

 Chinese Christian art is featured in Institute of Sacred Music exhibit

 Study suggests people may learn best on an empty stomach

 VaxInnate officials to speak in next event of seminar serie

 Volunteers sought for Ob/Gyn's Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study

 Competition aims to educate campuses nationwide about recycling

 Yale Books in Brief

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