Yale Bulletin and Calendar

April 14, 2006|Volume 34, Number 26















In the News

"I am strongly convinced that there are two kinds of nutrition, physical and psychological, and that both are equally important. This conviction persuades me that it's better for a mother to formula-feed her baby pleasurably than to breast-feed and hate it. ... Some women don't like to nurse, and others, even with the best help, find it physically difficult or daunting or intolerably uncomfortable. Sometimes, also, babies just aren't good nursers. In the end, I always encourage a mother to choose the feeding method that is most satisfying to her."

-- Dr. Sydney Spiesel, associate clinical professor of pediatrics and clinical professor of nursing, "Mother Knows Best: Breast-Feeding Debate: Nursing Has Many Benefits, But It's Not for Everyone," National Post (Canada), March 29, 2006.


"Over the last 75 years, we have been sleeping an hour to an hour and a half less, and over the last 50 years, obesity has become more prevalent."

-- Dr. H. Klar Yaggi, on his study, which links lack of sleep with increased diabetes risk, "Sleep Duration Tied to Diabetes in Men," Newsday (NY), March 29, 2006.


"The product is the product. If a building's design is well-perceived, but unfortunately doesn't do well, it should have no effect on the [reputation of the] architect."

-- Robert A.M. Stern, the J.M. Hoppin Professor of Architecture and dean of the School of Architecture, "'Available' -- The Architect May Be A-List, But the Location Often Isn't," The Wall Street Journal, March 31, 2006.


"Simply stated, when I travel to Israel, the most dangerous thing I do is drive to JFK Airport."

-- Edward Kaplan, the William N. and Marie A. Beach Professor of Management Sciences, telling Connecticut legislators that the risk of a car accident in the United States is two-thirds greater than being killed in a terrorist attack or car accident in Israel, "Some Life Insurers Deny Coverage During Overseas Travel," Associated Press, April 2, 2006.


"Having dissected a body as a medical student and realizing that hospitals needed them, I decided [to become a body donor]. The image I have is four or five beautiful young women medical students taking my body apart. It sounds just wonderful to me. They need bodies, and I see no sense in being cremated or injected with all kinds of things to be lying in a tie and jacket. That hardly seems the way to go."

-- Dr. Alan Mermann, clinical professor of pediatrics, "Medical School Always on the Lookout for Cadavers," New Haven Register, April 2, 2006.


"People who have these liturgical resonances in their bones, they go to a U2 concert and they just get [the Christian influences in the band's music]."

-- Christian Scharen, adjunct assistant professor at the Divinity School, "Lure of U2 Draws Churchgoers to Special Services," Associated Press, April 1, 2006.


"Regarding depression as 'just' a chemical imbalance wildly misconstrues the disorder. It is not possible to explain either the disease or its treatment based solely on levels of neurotransmitters."

-- Ronald Duman, the Elizabeth Mears and House Jameson Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmacology, "Treat Depression," Malaysia Star, April 1, 2006.


"Two trends are colliding. On one hand, pressure for greater foreign direct investment around the world will increase as industries such as steel, motor vehicles, telecoms and banking consolidate; as the enormous Asian and Opec surpluses are recycled; and as more companies from emerging markets knock at the doors of western economies. At the same time, France is touting 'economic patriotism,' Spain is eyeing 'national champions' and countries from South Korea to Argentina are showing ambivalence to foreign investment. It is vital for the government of the world's most important economy to set the right tone -- quickly."

-- Jeffrey E. Garten, the Juan Trippe Professor in the Practice of International Trade, Finance and Business, noting that strategies need to be developed that would keep the United States open to foreign investors, in his article "How America Can Be Safe and Open for Business," Financial Times (UK), March 31, 2006.


"In long-range forecasting and futurology it's clear that many predictions have turned out to be terribly wrong. Sometimes these mistakes are collected in an article or e-mail, giving the impression that forecasting is, for all practical purposes, impossible. Many of us have seen these: 'Man will never walk on the moon' (1950); and, 'The demand for electronic computers in the United States is probably about three of them' (1955). One walks away from such arguments with the sense that the future is too uncertain to ever predict. But the opposite point needs to be made as well. You can get many things right just by thinking about them a little bit. All too often no one is looking at the really important problems."

-- Paul Bracken, professor of management and of political science, in his article "Net Assessment: A Practical Guide," Parameters, April 1, 2006.


It's Official. President of China to speak April 21

As HHMI Professor, Strobel will take students 'bioprospecting'

Scientists find gene linked to drug dependence

Program puts FOCUS on communication

Joan Steitz, Thomas Pollard win prestigious international prize spirit

Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai to explore the link between faith and . . .

Renowned poet W.S. Merwin to read from and discuss his work

A heroine's determination prevails in 'All's Well That Ends Well'

Event will examine how to preserve access to knowledge

Performances and workshops will explore 'theatrical bodies' . . .

Symposium on human rights will focus on memorializing atrocities

Talk, exhibit explore lessons learned from past flu outbreaks

SOM conference will examine globalization and technology

India's road to independence is topic of film, panel discussion

Dwight Hall fundraiser to include inaugural social justice award

Symposium to look at 'Success with Learning Differences'

Impact of bird-borne infections on wildlife conservation is topic of forum

Panel discussion will focus on 'Class, Race and Inequality in South Africa'

Trainer describes biker Lance Armstrong's winning ways

Tsunami Awareness Week raised funds and refocused humanitarian efforts

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