New advances at the interface of chemistry and biology will be the focus of a day-long symposium taking place at the University on Friday, May 12.
The ninth annual Yale Chemical Biology Symposium will bring together more than 250 researchers from academia and industry.
Christopher Walsh from Harvard Medical School will present the keynote address on "Tailoring of Natural Products by BioSynthetic Halogenations." Other featured speakers will be Laura Kiessling and Ronald Raines from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, whose respective topics will be "Surfaces for Investigating Stem Cell Biology" and "Chemistry and Biology of Collagen"; Chad Mirkin from Northwestern University, who will discuss nanotechnology tools for studying biological systems; Benjamin Turk from Yale School of Medicine, who will present "Chemical Approaches to Understanding Substrate Selection by Protein Kinases"; and Ann Valentine from Yale's Department of Chemistry, who will talk on "Molecular Basis of Titanium Bioactivity."
The symposium, which is open to the public, will be held 9 a.m.-5 p.m. in Rm. 110, Sterling Chemistry Laboratory, 225 Prospect St.
In addition to the invited talks there will be a poster session with prizes given. The event was organized by faculty from the Departments of Chemistry, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, and Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry. It is sponsored by the Yale Corporate Partnership in the Biosciences, the American Chemical Society, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, Nature Chemical Biology, RSC Molecular BioSystems, and Chemistry & Biology Magazine.
A full schedule is available online at
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