 | James Dyson, shown with his invention, a cyclonic vacuum that does not lose suction.
Learning the art of wrong thinking
Finding the value in ideas that initially seem odd or even ridiculous was the theme of a lecture by James Dyson, founder and chair of Dyson Ltd,
and a design charrette featuring Jamie Cameron, New Product Development Manager, Dyson USA.
Dyson discussed "Taking Risks and Breaking Rules: The Art of Wrong Thinking" on April 27. His talk was jointly sponsored by Yale Engineering and the School of Management. A webstream of his talk is available at http://streaming.yale.edu:8080/ramgen/cmibroadcast/OPA/dyson4_27_06.rm.
Cameron, development engineering manager at Dyson (USA), led a hands-on workshop on April 28 in which engineering and management students worked side-by-side on product design problems with the goal of forcing rapid progress by examining their "wrong" answers. An audio interview with Cameron is available at www.yale.edu/opa/download/audio/cameronDyson.mp3.
 | Quentin Lindsay '07 M.E./E.E. (left) and James Arthur '07 M.B.A. work on a new design concept in drink mixing in Mason Laboratory.
T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 Blocker returning to Yale to lead School of Music

 Yale historian receives special Pulitzer citation

 YCIAS officially renamed as MacMillan Center

 New program offers employees back-up child care

President of China Visits Yale
 Campus will welcome 18 new Yale World Fellows this fall

 Former airline official to lead Yale's labor-management initiatives

 Yale students reduce their energy use by 10%

 Anatomy lessons: Faculty testing new method of teaching medical students

 'Silent Spring' author is focus of Beinecke Library exhibit

 Inaugural play festival features new works by Drama School students

 Three students win Morris K. Udall Scholarships . . .

 Joint library project to preserve historic sound recordings . . .

 Yale Press and Yale Rep launch major competition for new dramatic works

 Study to explore lasting effects of early health habits

 Fund and lecture named for noted neurologist

 In Memoriam: Dr. Thomas T. Amatruda Jr.

 Yale Dramat's 'Side Show' tells true tale of vaudeville stars . . .

 Weiswasser Lecture will explore HIV prevention in teens

 Student Research Day will feature Farr Lecture and . . . presentations

 Symposium will explore advances in chemistry and biology

 Yale College juniors honored by Council of Masters

 Learning the art of wrong thinking

 New memorial lectureship at Cancer Center honors Dr. Paul Calebresi . . .

 In service to the community

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