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In the News X
"[In the 19th-century American West] saloons filled with armed men, drunks engaged in lethal duels over penny-ante gambling debts, and men pulled Colts
and fired away because of disputes over the depth
of the foam on a mug of beer."
-- John Mack Faragher, the Arthur Unobskey Professor of American History, director of the Howard R. Lamar Center for the Study of Frontiers and Borders, and professor of American studies, "From First and Spring; Bang! A Game Befitting the Wild, Wild West," Los Angeles Times, May 7, 2006.
"A lump in a woman's breast is automatically considered cancer first. A lump in the neck is considered an infection first."
-- Dr. Douglas A. Ross, associate professor of surgery, noting that awareness of head and neck cancer is relatively low, "Yale Physicians Set Head, Neck Cancer Screening," New Haven Register, April 20, 2006.
"The iconic European immigrant has done double- or triple-duty in American racial politics. Despite recent fixations on Asian-American success, for instance, European immigrants remain the nation's real 'model minority': Their saga supplies the 'standard' template of incorporation and advancement against which all other groups are judged. ... Nothing hinders white Americans' even-handed acceptance of Third World immigration quite as stubbornly as the mythic, lavishly celebrated and thoroughly naturalized icon of the European steerage passenger."
-- Matthew Frye Jacobson, professor of history and of American studies and African American studies, in his article "America's Real Model Minority: It's White People, But Don't Tell Them That. Ethnic Pride Abounds in the Mythology of What Makes an Acceptable Immigrant," Chicago Sun-Times, April 23, 2006.
"Symbols like the flag and the national anthem take on some sacred meaning on both sides in a controversy over national identity."
-- Ron Eyerman, professor of sociology, on the furor over a Spanish-language version of "The Star-Spangled Banner," "National Anthem in Other Languages? Heard This Before," Seattle Times, May 6, 2006.
"We still don't know how West Nile virus got into the U.S. With international travel and commerce, it's likely that diseases are spreading more rapidly than in the past."
-- Dr. Robert Baltimore, professor of pediatrics and of epidemiology and public health, "Spread of Mumps Could Be Stopped with Immunizations," New Haven Register, April 30, 2006.
"To be sure, starting a new market is always an uncertain proposition: People want to go to parties only if a lot of other people are there; if no one is there, no one wants to come. Likewise, in markets without many investors, not enough trades can be executed to generate the returns needed to attract them. As is often true of great parties, it can be a bit of a mystery how substantial new markets get started, but we know that it does happen from time to time."
-- Robert J. Shiller, the Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics, on the potential success of a futures market on single-family homes, in his article, "The Global Home," Taipei Times (Taiwan), April 25, 2006.
"I'm concerned that we not give legislators or the lay public false promise. What's most important about research and human embryonic stem cell research in particular is what we can learn from it. And what we learn can then be translated to help the patients. But we can't promise a cure for anything in a given time frame because we don't know.''
-- Dr. Diane Krause, associate professor of laboratory medicine and pathology, "Standing By for Stem Cells," The New York Times, April 30, 2006.
"In the blue-carpeted office of the PCCI call center, young men and women sit before banks of glowing computer screens, murmuring softly into the telephone. The French callers at the other end of the line don't realize that their call is being answered from 2,500 miles away in Dakar, Africa. ... An undersea electronic highway along the coastline, along with a plentiful supply of French-speaking workers, has enabled Senegal to break into Europe's emerging call center market. But the poverty-stricken country's weak infrastructure and the protectionism of its former colonial power France remain major obstacles to a prosperous future. In a historic irony, the perceived 'threat' to French jobs comes from the country's one-time supplier of slave labor."
-- Nayan Chanda, director of publications at the Center for the Study of Globalization and editor of YaleGlobal Online, in his article "Don't Tell Anybody It's Africa Calling," All Africa, April 25, 2006.
"We think that each political party should open a 'blind trust' with the election authorities into which all private donors must deposit their money. Politicians will no longer be able to determine who has given how much. As a consequence, it will be impossible for them to know who to reward. ... This will not stop lots of people from telling party leaders that they have given vast sums. But none of them will be able to prove it. As a consequence, lots of people who did not give gifts will also claim to have provided large amounts, and it will be impossible for politicians to know who is telling the truth."
-- Bruce Ackerman, Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science, and Ian Ayes, the William K. Townsend Professor of Law, in their article "How Secret Political Donations Can End the Secret Deals," Financial Times, April 27, 2006.
"If [ultrasound is] being done purely for entertainment, there's no medical value and we don't know how much exposure is going on. ... Prolonging it for a few minutes to take a couple pictures [of the fetus for parents, as many obstetricians do] is different than buying three 45-minute sessions for a video."
-- Dr. Joshua A. Copel, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and of pediatrics, on businesses that use ultrasound to create "keepsake" photos or videos of unborn children for their parents, "A STAR Before It's Born; Family Portraits Now Include Ultrasound Pictures," Sarasota Herald-Tribune, April 27, 2006.
"We have our share of violent demonstrations in the U.S., but somehow our diversity allows us to satirize, criticize and generally insult each other's religion with relative impunity, meaning we do not often kill each other over these issues. That is not the norm around the world. ... Given the violence throughout our culture, including a murder rate that dwarfs that of other western countries, our ability to compartmentalize religious differences is extraordinary."
-- Robert Solomon, clinical professor of law, in his article "Intolerance Is A Relative Term; Closing Arguments," The Connecticut Law Tribune, May 1, 2006.
"If what you're hearing (in your head) doesn't exist, you compose. I love music, and I want to hear things that sometimes aren't out there. Sometimes I find things that are great, which redirects my composer's urge. You listen to all these things to keep your imagination going, and eventually you arrive at something you want to hear."
-- Mark Dancigers, assistant in instruction at the Department of Music, "When Dancigers Wants New Music, He Just Makes It Himself," New Haven Register, April 30, 2006.
"The enforcement strategy [of militarizing the U.S. border to prevent illegal immigration] is more costly and it does not work. What had been small-scale operations of people smugglers in the past has now been taken over by much larger and much more dangerous entities."
-- Alicia Schmidt Camacho, assistant professor of American studies, "Immigrant Rallies Hardened Positions," New Haven Register, May 7, 2006.
"The problem in Iraq is not military competence. The problem is loyalty. To whom can Iraqi officers and troops afford to give their loyalty? The political camps in Iraq are still shifting. So every Iraqi soldier and officer risks choosing the wrong side. As a result, most choose to retain as much latitude as possible to switch allegiances. All the U.S. military trainers in the world cannot remove that reality."
-- William E. Odom, adjunct professor of political science, in his article "Iraq: Get Out Now," Los Angeles Times, May 4, 2006.
"Every projection on the future of forests in Connecticut show significant maple forests vanishing from the landscape, moving out to Canada. Ecological modeling indicates that if climate change is not slowed by the end of this century, it will largely eliminate maple trees, as well as kill New England's maple sugar industry."
-- James Gustave Speth, dean of the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and professor in the practice of sustainable development, "Global Warming Already Visible," Connecticut Post, April 30, 2006.
"I have been on a lot of committees at Yale and have found the other people on the committees often to be very interesting people to talk to even though they might not know any calculus. That's got nothing to do with it. They are very persuasive. They listen to arguments. They produce correct counter arguments. It's good arguing with them, and I like that."
-- John Hartigan, the Eugene Higgins Professor of Statistics, "A Conversation with John Hartigan," Statistical Science, 2005, Vol. 20, No. 4.