President Richard C. Levin has announced the reappointment of three residential college masters to a second five-year term: John Rogers at Berkeley College, Frank Keil at Morse and Dr. Richard Schottenfeld at Davenport.
All the appointments are effective July 1.
Frank Keil
Keil, professor of psychology and linguistics, has received national awards for his work in cognition and cognitive development.
In a letter to the Morse community, Levin noted that the review committee there described Keil as "passionate about Morse College and its students."
Levin added that Keil "plays an active role with the Morse College Council, he works hard to improve the life of the college and its community, and he is attentive and helpful to students who may be experiencing difficulties. Master Keil is fair and accessible, and he is eager to join the students in their athletic contests. ... Students feel that Master Keil and Associate Master Kristi Lockhart are a very effective team."
The Morse review committee was chaired by Steven Girvin, the Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, and included Toni Dorfman, associate professor (adjunct) and director of undergraduate studies in theater studies, and Haig Keshishian, professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology and co-director of the Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program.
 | John Rogers
John Rogers
Rogers, professor of English, teaches 17th-century poetry and is a scholar of author John Milton. He holds three degrees from Yale (B.A. 1984, M.A. 1985 and Ph.D. 1989).
In his letter to the Berkeley community announcing the reappointment, Levin noted that the review committee interviewed dozens of students, staff and fellows who offered "overwhelmingly positive" comments about Rogers -- notably that he offers "gentle and attentive leadership" at the residential college while being "involved but not intrusive" in the lives of those who live there.
Rogers, noted Levin, "encourages a variety of student activities and supports the intellectual life of the college. He was complimented for his fairness in handling disciplinary and personal situations that arise. In short, the committee reported that the master's dedication and talent are exceptional. Associate Master Cornelia Pearsall is also admired and active within Berkeley, and we are fortunate to have them in these important roles." (See related story.)
The Berkeley review committee was chaired by Haun Saussy, professor of comparative literature and East Asian languages and literatures, and included Michael R. Auslin, assistant professor of history, and Ann Valentine, assistant professor of chemistry.
 | Dr. Richard Schottenfeld
Dr. Richard Schottenfeld
A professor of psychiatry, Schottenfeld specializes in the field of substance abuse. He is a 1971 graduate of Yale College and was a resident of Davenport College during his undergraduate years. His wife, Tanina Rostain, who earned M.A. and J.D. degrees at Yale, is associate master.
Schottenfeld served as Davenport master "during a period of significant challenges to the community," when the college was undergoing renovations and the community spent a year in Yale's Swing Space, noted Levin in his letter announcing the reappointment. The review committee reported that "through these years, Master Schottenfeld has provided a steady hand, always remaining focused on student needs and committed to fostering student reponsibility for the health of the college."
"During the renovations, Master Schottenfeld was 'hands-on, collegial and inclusive,' and he facilitated a positive, special year in Swing Space," Levin added, noting the master also has been praised for "responding enthusiastically to student initiative, and there has been increased social and intellectual activity in the college."
The Davenport committee chair was Edward (Ned) S. Cooke Jr., the Charles F. Montgomery Professor of American Decorative Arts and chair of the Department of the History of Art. The committee also included Erin Lavik, assistant professor of biomedical engineering and a resident fellow of Davenport, and John C. Tully, the Arthur T. Kemp Professor of Chemistry and professor of applied physics and physics.
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