 | Laura Cruickshank
Laura Cruickshank named to post of University planner
Laura Cruickshank, a member of the Office of Facilities, Construction and Renovation since 2002, has been appointed as university planner, according to an announcement by Bruce Alexander, vice president of New Haven and state affairs and campus development.
"In her nearly 25 years of professional practice, Laura has managed a wide variety of architectural projects including municipal, institutional and residential," said Alexander in a letter to the Yale community announcing the appointment. "She has experience in facility and campus master planning, the construction of new facilities, and the restoration of historic buildings."
Cruickshank received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Mount Holyoke College and her Master of Architecture degree from the University of New Mexico. She holds architectural registration in Connecticut and is a member of the American Institute of Architects.
She came to Yale as senior architect/planner and was promoted to program manager in 2004. She has been a key planner and manager on the Trumbull College renovation, the Cross Campus Library renovation, the Lewis Walpole Library addition, the 77 Prospect St. addition for the Institute of Social and Policy Studies, and numerous planning studies.
Jerry Warren, associate vice president for construction and renovation, said, "Laura has been a great business partner to me over the last year as we have been re-designing the construction and renovation organization to improve results while simultaneously adding significant workload. She is a very capable architect and planner and absolutely tireless in her efforts to deliver great planning and projects for the University."
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