For the 305th year, Yale will send its newest graduates out into the world following a Commencement weekend that mixes pomp and circumstance with a variety of other programs.
The 2006 Commencement will take place Saturday-Monday, May 20-22.
The formal festivities will begin with the Baccalaureate service for Yale College seniors and their families in Woolsey Hall, northwest corner of Grove and College streets. The ceremony -- which features an address by President Richard C. Levin and by Yale College Dean Peter Salovey -- will take place at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday and 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Sunday.
Also on Saturday, there will be a reception for graduating students and their families 4-6 p.m. at the President's House, 43 Hillhouse Ave. (or University Commons, if it rains).
Class Day exercises for graduating Yale College seniors will take place at 2 p.m. on Sunday on Old Campus. The featured speaker will be CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper '89 B.A. Class Day traditions also include planting the Class Ivy, reciting the Ivy Ode, awarding teaching prizes to faculty members and academic prizes to students, and singing Yale's alma mater, "Bright College Years," while waving a white handkerchief. The event will be broadcast live on local access cable channel 26.
University Commencement will begin at 10 a.m. when Yale College seniors process around the New Haven Green and onto Old Campus. The formal ceremony -- which includes the presentation of honorary degrees to noted individuals and the awarding of degrees to students representing Yale's undergraduate, graduate and professional schools -- will begin at 10:30 a.m. This event will also be broadcast live on local access cable channel 26.
Individual degree-granting ceremonies will follow in the individual residential colleges for Yale College seniors and at special ceremonies for Yale's graduate and professional students.
For information about those ceremonies and about the other activities -- including concerts, dramas and social events -- that weekend, visit
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