'The Geoffrey Hartman Reader' wins Capote Award
"The Geoffrey Hartman Reader," co-edited by Hartman and Daniel T. O'Hara, is the recipient of the 2006 Truman Capote Award for Literary Criticism in Memory of Newton Arvin.
The $30,000 award, the largest annual cash prize for literary criticism in the English language, is administered for the Truman Capote Estate by the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop.
The book was selected by an international panel of prominent critics and writers. Books of general literary criticism in English, published during the last four years, are eligible for nomination.
Hartman, Sterling Professor Emeritus of English and Comparative Literature, is the author of more than 20 books and hundreds of essays and is one of America's most renowned literary scholars. He co-founded the Fortunoff Video Archives of Holocaust Testimonies and has written extensively on literary and moral questions related to the Holocaust, and he has played a critical role in opening Judaic studies to a wider audience of scholars and students.
Akhil Amar to discuss U.S. Constitution in talk at the Woodbridge Town Library
Akhil Reed Amar, the Southmayd Professor of Law, will present a lecture on Wednesday, May 24, at 7 p.m., at the Woodbridge Town Library.
Amar will examine "how the words that form the supreme law of our land explain not only what the Constitution says but also why the Constitution says it."
The event is free and open to the public. To register, contact Alicia Cook at (203) 389-3466 or acook@ci.woodbridge.ct.us. Individuals may also sign up for the lecture at the library circulation desk. For more information, visit www.woodbridge.lioninc.org.
State's mental health commissioner is honored by Department of Psychiatry
The Department of Psychiatry awarded the first Research Advocacy Award to Thomas Kirk, commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, on April 8.
The award recognized Kirk's commitment to research on the causes and treatments for mental illness. It acknowledged his "vision, dedication and success in making Connecticut a model state in its efforts to eliminate obstacles to recovery for patients with chronic mental illness."
W E E K ' S

Scientists identify new genus of monkey; first in 83 years

Divinity Dean reappointed to second term

Yale to celebrate 305th Commencement

Student photographs 'hidden beauty in everyday life'

Summertime at Yale

Brownell cited as one of world's '100 most influential people'

President Levin honored for increasing town-gown partnerships


Four individuals will bring their expertise . . . to SOM

Two noted violinists . . . join the faculty of the School of Music

Three residential college masters named to second term

Laura Cruickshank named to post of University planner

Exhibit features English silver pieces once owned by tsars

Exhibits look back at 40 years of chiming bells and more

Major renovation effort begins at Cross Campus Librar


Eight graduating seniors are bound for China as teaching fellows


Yale's nurse-midwives celebrate 50 years of community care

Talk will focus on life extension and human right

'Keepers of the Dream' to look at advancing urban education

Sociologist Adams honored for book on 'The Familial State'

Association honors Yale-affiliated scientists and engineers . . .

Journal of Industrial Ecology marks two milestones . . .

Grant will fund research on how human speech is shaped

'Trouble in Tahiti' to be performed during School of Music alumni weekend

Campaign invites community to 'Plant a Row for the Hungry'

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