David Bromwich, the newly appointed Sterling Professor of English, is a renowned authority on Romantic and modern poetry, and on the history of literary criticism.
Bromwich mapped the relationship between poetry, criticism and public life in his books "Hazlitt: The Mind of a Critic," about metaphysician, painter, critic and essayist William Hazlitt, 1778-1830, which was a National Book Critics Circle finalist in 1984; "Disowned by Memory: Wordsworth's Poetry of the 1790s"; and "A Choice of Inheritance: Self and Community from Edmund Burke to Robert Frost." His book "Politics by Other Means: Higher Education and Group Thinking" examines the ideological debate over liberal arts education, and his "Skeptical Music: Essays on Modern Poetry" won the 2002 PEN Spielvogel/Diamonstein Prize as the year's best book of essays by an American. He is also editor of "Romantic Critical Essays" and "On Empire, Liberty and Reform: Speeches and Letters of Edmund Burke" and co-editor of the Yale Press edition of "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mill.
Bromwich is a frequent contributor to academic journals, and his reviews and articles have appeared in such publications as The New York Times, The New Republic and New York Review of Books.
A Yale graduate (B.A. 1973 and Ph.D. 1977), Bromwich served on the faculty of Princeton University, rising from instructor to Mellon Professor of English, before returning to Yale in 1988. Here, he served 1991-1994 as director of the Whitney Humanities Center, an interdisciplinary institution that seeks to promote research and scholarly exchange in all fields of the humanities. He was appointed as the Bird White Housum Professor of English in 1995.
A fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Bromwich received the 2000 Award for Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters in recognition of his body of work. His other honors include a Guggenheim Fellowship, Yale's Prize Teaching Fellowship and appointed lectureships at Columbia and Princeton universities and the University of Iowa.
Bromwich is co-editor (with James Chandler and Lionel Gossman) of Princeton University Press' "Literature in History" series; was a consultant for National Public Radio's "Poets in Person" series in 1988; and served as film critic for The New Leader 1993-1994. A member of the executive council of the Association of Literary Scholars and Critics 1999-2002, Bromwich serves on the editorial board of the Journal of the History of Ideas, Raritan and Dissent.
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