Flying dinosaur
Passers-by got a sneak peek at what is soon to become a familiar New Haven landmark when a statue of a Torosaurus was lowered to its granite perch outside the Peabody Museum of Natural History on Sept. 22. The 21-foot-long, 7,350-pound bronze sculpture, now sheathed in white draping, will be formally unveiled on Saturday, Oct. 22.
T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 Alumnus Ruebhausen bequeaths over $30 million to Law School

 Treatment boosts survival from uterine cancer

 Yale Workplace Survey spurring new initiatives

 Results of Yale Workplace Survey

 Scientists learn how an ancient zebra lost its stripes

 NBA star shares his vision for health care in Africa

 India's finance minister discusses links in the global economy

 House designed and built by architecture students . . .

 Team identifies neurotransmitter that halts cell overproduction in the brain

 Saturday series for children shows them that 'science is for everyone'

 Conference, exhibit celebrate bicentennial of Tocqueville's birth

 Special Collections Fair will feature rare look at unique items

 Neurobiologist wins Javits Award

 Serge Lang, mathematician and defender of academic standards

 NBC president to discuss the network's new season

 Flying dinosaur

 Conference to focus on new educational technologies

 Year-long seminar series will explore the changing face of antisemitism

 Panel on future of democracy to launch Jamestown Project

 'We the People ...'

 School of Drama/Yale Rep appoints two new development officers

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