Beginning in January, the Yale Collection of Musical Instruments will increase the number of hours that it is open to the public.
Currently the collection, located at 15 Hillhouse Ave., is open 1-4 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Beginning on Wednesday, Jan. 10, the Collection of Musical Instruments will also be open 1-4 p.m. on Friday and 1-5 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is free.
A world renowned repository for musical instruments, the collection includes nearly 1,000 objects. The majority of these document the Western European and American art music traditions, while a growing number represent the cultures and traditions of Asia, Africa and South America.
The instruments in the collection are on display in three galleries and in additional exhibit space in the foyer and hall areas. Permanent exhibits are maintained in the first floor east gallery and in the second floor gallery, which is also used as a concert room and is hailed for its acoustics.
A special exhibition of bells mounted by Yale alumna Tiffany Ng '05 is currently on display in the first floor south gallery. For further information, visit the collection's website at
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Yale Collection of Musical Instruments announces expanded hours

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