Visiting on Campus
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T H I S W E E K ' S S T O R I E S
 Gift from alumni to expand Grand Strategy Program

 State gives Yale $7.8 million for stem cell research

 Environmental activist named Marshall Scholar

 Yale scientist helps keep museum's trains chugging along

 Project will consider how to develop 'pastoral imagination'

 Human Resources department to pilot STARS . . .

 Yale researchers share expertise with Ethiopian health care . . .

 Global Citizenship Initiative awarded Hewlett Foundation grant

 Child psychiatrist wins award for contributions to education

 Alan Kazdin named president of American Psychological Association

 Thomas Steitz honored by Japanese university

 The Duke's Men make holiday appearances

 Exhibit showcases work of Preservation Department

 Spring courses for executives will focus on global forestry issues

 Sidney Blatt lauded for contributions to psychoanalytic research

 Yale Collection of Musical Instruments announces expanded hours

 Campus Notes

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