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Bulletin Board
Porter and Field prizes
Applications are now being accepted for the John Addison Porter Prize and the Theron Rockwell Field Prize.
The John Addison Porter Prize is given for a written work of scholarship in any field in which it is possible, through original effort, to gather and relate facts and/or principles and to make the product of general human interest. The award was established in 1872 by the Kingsley Trust Association (The Scroll and Key Society) in honor of the late Professor Porter, who received a bachelor's degree from Yale in 1842.
The Theron Rockwell Field Prize, established in 1957 by Emilia R. Field in memory of her husband, Theron Rockwell Field 1889S, is given for "a poetic, literary or religious work" of scholarship.
For more information, including application forms, visit the websites at www.yale.edu/secretary/prizes/Porterprize and www.yale.edu/secretary/prizes/Fieldprize.
Applications are now being accepted for A. Whitney Griswold Faculty Research Fund awards.
The fund was established to assist faculty members to undertake research in the humanities. It awards grants for specific research projects to full-time faculty members on continuing appointment in any department or division of the University. Preference is given to first-time applicants and to applicants who do not have other current research grants at Yale.
Grants up to $2,500 per academic year may be sought for purposes such as travel to inspect primary-source materials; acquisition of inaccessible books or visual materials (later transferred to a University library); or hands-on assistance with research. At the conclusion of the grant, recipients must submit a brief (one- or two-page) summary of research conducted under the auspices of the grant, with particular reference to publications in progress or produced as a result of the research. The award is not intended for reimbursement of expenses already incurred.
Grant applicants must submit the following materials along with their application: a detailed proposal of research to be conducted during the award period; the specific purpose(s) to which the award will be applied, including an itemized budget of proposed expenses; a detailed statement concerning any previous grants awarded by the Griswold Research Fund; and mention of any other research grants that can be applied to the project and their balance.
Faculty members requesting amounts over $1,000 should also apply to other sources of support. For sources outside the University, consult the Office of Grants and Contracts
The deadline for submission of an application, including supporting materials, is Sunday, April 1. Applications are online at www.yale.edu/whc. For more information, call (203) 432-6556.
All materials should be sent to the Chair, Griswold Fund Committee, Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall Street, P.O. Box 208298, New Haven, CT 06520-8298.
Applications are now being accepted for the Frederick W. Hilles Publication Fund.
The fund was established through the generosity of the late Frederick W. Hilles to assist younger scholars in the humanities at Yale with the publication of their original manuscripts. No applications will be accepted for translations of previously published works. Hilles funds are not intended for basic publication or manufacturing costs.
The fund is administered by the Council of Fellows of the Whitney Humanities Center.
Typically the fund covers such expenses as indexing, permission fees, reproduction of images and copy editing. Preference will be given to first-time applications from associate professors, assistant professors and instructors. As funding permits, the council will consider applications from other faculty members (lecturers, lectors and adjuncts) who have been members of the Yale College faculty for at least two years. No more than $5,000 will be awarded to any applicant for any one book.
Authors or their publishers should apply only after the manuscript has been accepted for publication by a university or scholarly press, preferably the Yale University Press. Application letters should include a letter of application for the grant that also includes a summary of the manuscript; minimally two reports attesting to the merits of the manuscript, one from the publisher or editor and at least one other from recognized scholars in the field; a letter of endorsement or acceptance by a publisher that includes a breakdown of publication costs and the reason why a subvention is necessary; and a letter concerning any publication advances received from the publisher.
The council may seek further advice about the manuscript or the need for a publication subsidy. In some circumstances, applicants may be requested to submit a copy of the manuscript.
Applications and supporting documents are due Sunday, April 1. They should be sent to the Chair, Hilles Publication Fund, Whitney Humanities Center, P.O. Box 208298, 53 Wall Street, New Haven, CT 06520. Materials may also be faxed to the center at (203) 432-1087 or e-mailed to susan.stout@yale.edu.
The Institute of Sacred Music (ISM) is seeking artworks from Yale students for an upcoming exhibition titled "Spirit Rising."
The juried exhibition of visual art will explore the question: "What are religious or spiritual themes for Yale students in 2007?"
The exhibition is open to all students, undergraduate or graduate, enrolled in any Yale program. Students may submit one to five works in any medium, measuring no more than five feet by five feet, to hang on a wall. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, March 8. The exhibition will be on display April 2-20 at ISM, 409 Prospect St.
For more information, call (203) 432-3220 or send e-mail to derek.greten-harrison@yale.edu.