'Crafting a Life' is the theme of this year's Law School reunions The public is invited to listen in when some of the nation's top legal minds discuss aspects of "Crafting a Life: Private, Public and Professional" during the Law School Alumni Weekend Oct. 13-15. The program will include three panels on Saturday, Oct. 14, that "will give us the opportunity to focus on how, with our Blackberry, cellphone and Palm in hand, and perhaps a violin and child in tow, we craft our lives: private, public and professional," says Dean Harold Hongju Koh, the Gerard C. and Bernice Latrobe Professor of International Law. Yale alumni and faculty will join outside experts to consider various aspects of modern life at the following panels, which are free and open to the public. All will take place in the Law School, 127 Wall St. * "I Love My Job, but Working 24/7?" moderated by Anthony T. Kronman, Sterling Professor of Law and former dean of the Law School, 9:30-10:45 a.m., Rm. 127. * "Work and Self," moderated by Kenji Yoshino, professor of law, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m., Levinson Auditorium. * "Cycles of Work -- Beginning, Switching, Multi-Careering and Retiring," moderated by Vicki Schultz, the Ford Foundation Professor of Law, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m., Rm. 127. Koh will moderate a fourth panel on Saturday on the topic "Is the Constitution's Separation of Powers Breaking Down?" This panel, which is also open to the public, will take place at 2:30 p.m. in Rm. 127. During the weekend, alumni will also have the opportunity to tour the school and visit a display of rare books in the Law Library; observe a Mock Moot Court argued by current law students before a panel of judges from the 1956 Moot Court team; and pose questions to the dean, among other activities. A highlight of the weekend will be the presentation of the Yale Law School Association Award of Merit to three prominent alumni judges: Margaret H. Marshall '76 J.D., chief justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court; Drayton Nabers '65 J.D., chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court; and Randall Shepard '72 J.D., chief justice of the Indiana Supreme Court. A complete alumni weekend schedule is available at www.law.yale.edu/alumni/AlumniWeekend.htm.
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