Program to raise students' awareness of importance of academic integrity To highlight the importance of intellectual honesty and help students understand the ethical and intellectual issues that underlie it, Yale College and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences have designated Oct. 23-30 as Academic Integrity Awareness Week. Dean Peter Salovey of Yale College and Dean Jon Butler of the Graduate School will address students from both schools at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 24, in Rm. 119 in the Hall of Graduate Studies, 320 York St. The goal of Academic Integrity Awareness Week is to help students at every level conduct research and use source material honestly. In announcing the program, the deans wrote: "As members of a community of scholars, we share a responsibility to cultivate an environment in which honesty, trust and fairness thrive. ... Excellent scholarship must rest on honest originality, and this honesty takes many forms. It means, among other things, truth in presentation, diligence and precision in citing works and ideas we have used, and acknowledging our collaborations with others." According to Jill Cutler, assistant dean of Yale College, "The most serious crime at a university is stealing ideas from other people." Butler echoes that sentiment, "Scholars and researchers at a university have one objective: to seek the truth. Academic honesty stands at the heart of the entire academic enterprise." Yale University "is not a campus characterized by cheating or a culture where students are attempting to cut corners," adds Salovey. "We strive to create a culture of integrity and honesty and expect the best from our students." The Graduate School has created a new website devoted to academic integrity at The site includes Yale's policies on academic honesty, provides resources for faculty and students, guidelines on how to avoid plagiarism and a calendar of events.
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