University is increasing
payout from endowment
Yale will increase its endowment payout by more than one-third in the upcoming
fiscal year, President Richard C. Levin announced.
The estimated payout from the University’s endowment will total $1.15 billion
in 2008-2009, an increase of 37% above the $843 million in funding from the endowment
in Yale’s current fiscal year.
“Exceptionally strong investment returns in recent years have led to a
lower than anticipated payout rate from the endowment under our current policy,” Levin
said. “The prudent policy revision we are making will increase spending
from the endowment to benefit students and researchers today while continuing
to ensure that the endowment’s capacity to support future generations of
students is undiminished.”
Yale’s top priorities for the additional revenue generated by the endowment
policy change include increasing student financial aid, expanding access to Yale’s
resources and strengthening scientific research that leads to benefits for all
humanity, Levin said.
Access to Yale will be increased through a number of initiatives. First, there
will be additional financial aid for students, support for efforts to recruit
students of modest means for college and, possibly, an expansion of the size
of Yale’s undergraduate student body. Levin noted that the University is
scheduled later this month to announce a plan to increase dramatically financial
aid for Yale College students.
In addition, Yale will make more of its intellectual treasury available without
charge to the public. For example, Yale is embarking on efforts to digitize its
collections in formats that make them readily available to the public. Yale recently
launched Open Yale Courses, which placed the full content of a group of popular
undergraduate courses online for free, and will be expanding ways that individuals
around the country and the world can use the Internet to take advantage of Yale
lectures and resources.
Yale is actively considering expansion of the size of its undergraduate student
body from 5,300 to about 6,000 by building two new residential colleges. A decision
on whether to expand is expected by the summer.
As part of Yale’s contribution to the advancement of knowledge, the University
is planning a major expansion of its capabilities in the biomedical sciences
and the establishment of several research institutes as a consequence of its
recent acquisition of the 136-acre campus that it purchased in October from the
Bayer Pharmaceutical Company, located in West Haven, seven miles from Yale’s
main campus. By providing additional money to support research, Yale faculty
will be better equipped to pursue the innovations necessary for groundbreaking
research that will lead to new treatments and cures for disease, said Levin.
The increased funding made available by the new payout policy will be invested
to strengthen Yale’s contribution to the advancement of science on its
central campus, as well as its new campus.
The endowment, which totaled $22.5 billion on June 30, 2007, provided $843 million
of support to the University for the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Funds in the endowment
pool currently receive payouts of 3.8% of their market values. Yale’s endowment
aggregates gifts to the University that are invested to produce regular income
to support a variety of purposes, including financial aid for students, support
for professorships and funding for scholarly research. A portion of the investment
earnings is paid out each year, while the remaining earnings are reinvested to
ensure that a gift’s principal grows with inflation and that a donor’s
purpose can be carried out in perpetuity.
The history of Yale’s endowment spending policy includes an increase in
the targeted payout rate from 4.5% to 4.75% in 1992, an increase to 5% in 1995
and an increase to the current rate of 5.25% in 2004. The difference between
the targeted endowment payout rate and the actual payout rate is due to a “smoothing
rule,” first suggested by the late Nobel Prize-winning economist and Yale
Sterling Professor James Tobin, which prevents wide fluctuations in annual endowment
spending based on changing investment returns. The smoothing rule allows the
University to budget relatively stable funding levels for educational and research
programs from one year to the next and to engage in long-term budgetary planning.
In the future, Yale’s endowment formula will be modified to place a floor
of 4.5% on the expected payout rate and a ceiling of 6%.
“In managing Yale’s endowment we try to balance the need to support
the current generation of scholars with the desire to preserve assets for future
generations,” said David Swensen, Yale’s chief investment officer. “In
boosting the distribution of resources for current consumption, we strike a better
balance between the present and the future.”
The endowment is the single largest source of support for Yale’s budget.
Its annual contribution to the operating budget has increased nearly fourfold
in the past 10 years. It currently funds 37% of the University’s expenses
and is projected to support more than 45% of the budget for the 2008-2009 fiscal
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